Patch Notes (+hotfix)

Minor bugfix patch.


  • Add_Default_Actions item property. Defaults to true when no actions are specified.
  • Buildable_Placement_Rule vehicle property. Replaces vehicle Supports_Mobile_Buildables property.


  • Russia keycard door progress for players who follow a friend into the room. [Thanks SkeJ!]
  • Replacing vehicle battery using the wrong guid. [Thanks NSTM!]
  • Headlamp not overriding Priority_Over_Cosmetic. [Thanks Zombs-R-Cute!]
  • Duplicate automatic repair/salvage blueprint actions. [Thanks TeemoCell!]
  • Default new terrain tiles to Fallback_Green material. [Thanks Jdance!]
  • Map credits list cut off in some cases without enough height. [Thanks WWTC!]
  • Push forward rendering decal out from surface 2 mm.
  • Exception when logging out inside ambiance volume.
  • Potential cause of out-of-sync NPC date/time counter.

Edit: Released a .2 patch to fix an exception related to effect cleanup. My apologies for any inconvenience! I’m still not actually sure why this exception arose after the .1 patch rather than the update, so if you ran into it in .1 and know why I’d love to hear about it. Hotfix

The .2 patch fixes an exception related to effect cleanup. If you ran into this issue in the .1 patch and have any information regarding it, we’d love to hear about it. Hotfix

BattlEye needed this client update released as soon as possible, so it’s the only change in this tiny patch. It’s unrelated to the ‘Bad Service Version’ kick message. For more information about that error, see below:

Kicked for ‘Bad Service Version’

We’ve seen several reports of players running into an issue with BattlEye causing a ‘Bad Service Version’ kick. This seems to have mostly affected players using GeForce NOW, but also some players playing on their own device.

BattlEye says that this issue should resolve itself, and some players who reported this error have since been able to play again. If you haven’t tried playing recently, you may find that this issue no longer exists for you.

If you are still running into this ‘Bad Service Version’ kick error message after today’s patch: please re-launch the game and send us a screenshot of any error messages in the BattlEye Launcher. (Not the ‘Bad Service Version’ kick message that appears when trying to join a multiplayer server.) For example:


This information can be sent as a reply below, or through our through our Support site: Create a Support Ticket.

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