3rd person peeking

Am I the only one who sees that 3rd person view is a bit too far from the character
Like, when I go to 3rd person view, my character is on the far bottom left corner allowing me to see almost everything behind the tree I’m hiding behind, or through a hallway

What I would like to suggest is have the character a bit centered in 3rd person view
No need for the character to be on the smack center of the screen, but at the same time, not in the very edge of it. 3rd person peeking is a very cheap way to get kills. I am guilty of it myself.
To make this issue a bit less is to move the character a bit to the center while still leaving some space to have use for switching sides with Q and E


Now that is actually smart, I would like a “over the head” camera rather than “over the shoulder” for third person with that mechanic.

But that would negate the use of Q and E. I would be fine if the camer was over the shoulder, but not completely peaking the hallway like you have walls or anything

I hope Nelson’s 4.0 Vanilla servers don’t use 3rd Person, I hate having to be forced to use it so I feel on par with others when it comes to firefights.

Why specifcally only vanilla servers ?

Pretty sure this was already experimented with when first adding third-person to the game, and it didn’t work out too well in comparison to what we have currently.

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How so?
I mean sure it gives more visibility. But that extra visibility is giving too much of an advantage because it’s straight up wallhacks if you think about it
You can see the enemy, but they can’t see you huding behind that barricade

I’m not Nelson. :confused:

That aside, suggesting to make it closer to what first-person is kinda makes the whole thing redundant, doesn’t it? You can’t balance third-person based on camera position after a certain point, since it’s hardly third-person at all at if you get too close. When people do try to balance it, typically they do other things like decrease accuracy or change how hit detection works.

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Just avoid those servers altogether.

I never use Q and E to begin with, due to my completely custom keybinds.

For me, Q is deequip while E is use, so tbh I wouldn’t have a problem if peeking was removed. First person and third person vehicle servers are the only servers I can play on without having to worry about someone spying through a tree.

Sometimes you wanna peak from the left side, so you have to lean left for a second to switch sides. Same if you wanna switch back to the right side

I’m not saying to get the camera closer, because as you said

The camera position should be at a good distance. But it’s leaning to the sides more
I just want the camera to be at the center with “x + 1” when to the right and “x - 1” when leaning to the left. As I said, I don’t want the camera to be closer, I only want to not be too far on the sides because it gives too much visibility

Apologies. The second half of the following quote

just made it sound like the camera needed to be brought a ton closer. It’s probably because I have my field-of-view at max (and possibly a higher resolution). Both of those affect how close your character appears to the edge of your screen. For me, the distance from the center is just about 2 inches, with ~7 inches from either end of my computer screen.

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Also: for example, if you hold Q on 3rd person while already having the right hand view set on, you would be able to peek a bit further on the same direction.

There’s an option in the config files:

“Gameplay.Allow_Shoulder_Camera”: false

Which accomplishes what you’re looking for.