4.0 Suggestions

Zombies :

  • in general, cosmetically unique zombies. For example Zombies holding different things (perhaps it would be possible to roll the random drops before the player enters a certain area, so if a zombie is going to drop a golf club he’s actually going to hold it)

  • different zombie speeds (for example, currently if you have a chainsaw and a horde of just normal zombies, you can run around in circles and after practicing this for a while, zombies can’t hit you at all. Crawlers and Sprinters show that this can easily be fixed by having different speeds, because it breaks up the pattern and you will get hit and possibly even killed. Zombies can have a slow walk, fast walk, jog (slow run) and run speeds, and zombies will randomly perform any of them (can’t switch mid-way, if a zombie started walking the first time you saw him, he will never change his movement speed), this can be explained in the lore that zombies who are slowly walking were infected days or weeks ago, and fast zombies were infected very recently)

  • No burners or flankers. (I like the idea of having different types of zombies, but it doesn’t feel right for a disease to give a zombie the ability to explode in flames or to become transparent. Spitters are ok, but maybe they should be changed to spit stomach acid, and it could be explained in the lore that people with lighter stomachs really suffer from the disease. Crawlers can be people who were infected long ago or had their legs broken before or after the infection, sprinters are also fine but I think it’s kinda silly for a zombie to just run towards you on 4 legs. And Unturned has always been silly, but it must be exhausting to do that, and especially for a zombie whose insides (and outsides) are rotten.)

  • Cosmetically crazy zombies (This is kinda contradicting with what I said above, that a zombie running at you while crawling is a bit silly, but I think it would be interesting if there were sometimes crazy zombies that would act like normal ones but their animations are different. Like their hands tremble and they constantly look left and right and make laughing noises and stuff.)

Food :

  • It would be nice if food wasn’t just cans of beans (or cans of chicken, bacon, ham etc.), vegetables and what you get from hunting animals, but you could get expertly made dishes in restaurants (that were prepared for people just before the apocalypse hit) that could give different bonuses, like extra movement speed for a while, extra damage absorption and things like that. Or if you could just find french fries with some pork on kitchen tables in houses, or a house that had a party and you could find all sorts of different foods inside. Just non-generic food that adds variety and you could also kind of find out little stories through, like if you found microwaved noodles in a bowl on a bed, next to a laptop you could tell that that was probably a broke college student. Or if you found a house full with silly string everywhere, slices of cake on plates, knocked over chairs and balloons, you could tell it was someones birthday party just before the apocalypse.

  • Drinks should especially have different effects on your stats (for a set amount of time or until an event has happened), like a bottle of 5 hour energy would give you less stamina usage for 5 in-game hours. Alcoholic beverages would make you take less damage the more you drink (too drunk to really care), but will add vignette effects on your screen, double seeing and will make your character pass out (taken to third person and you watch your character ragdoll on the ground and you wake up after some time (~1 in-game hour?)

Horde Mode :

  • objects that can be grouped together as a prefab (more on that in the editor section) to make buyable doors (set the price and there can be preset animations like objects go up, objects go down, fade out, instant disappear and these can also be added with mods)
  • random weapon box that can also be price-customized.
    -purchase nodes will ask for item ID and if it is detected that the ID is a Useable Firearm it asks for the price of the ammo too.
  • all zombies detect you at the start of the wave, something that was pretty annoying in the 3.0 version when it existed

Editor (assuming everything from the devkit will come back, hopefully in more of a user friendly way) :

  • Prefabs (As I said earlier, you can get a bunch of objects and add them to a prefab. It would also be possible to double click on an object (like a house) and everything except the object would become black and white or get some other filter and all the objects you place afterwards will instantly go in that prefab. The object you double clicked (in this case, the house) will become the parent object, meaning if you move that, everything inside the prefab will move. All other objects will become child objects and can be moved separately without moving anything else. This is nice to have for grouping and maybe you could save prefabs as different files and you can access them in-game and place them wherever you want.)
  • Prefab variants. (When selecting the parent object of a prefab you can click to make a different variant. You can make as many as you want (unless there’s technical problems with that) and you get just the parent object with nothing else in it. You can detail the building again and when you start up the game it will choose between all the prefabs. This would increase replayability and it can also make mass randomized maps where you can put an object in the ground, make that the parent object and then make a city above it at ground level, and make a bunch of prefab variants for that one object under the ground that would give the effect of random cities. With big modding teams this can extend to fully random map layouts by having the entire map be a child of an object under the ground, but I imagine that this would mainly be used to have major buildings have different layouts to spice things up, or to have slight variations of houses each time. To give even more possibilities it could be possible that nodes (location nodes, purchase nodes, deadzone nodes etc.), spawns (animals, zombies, items, vehicles), roads, resources (trees, berry bushes, metal ores) and navigations can also be assigned to prefabs.)
  • Objects with multiple variants (how the houses, apartment buildings and other objects can have random colors whenever spawned) can be chosen by right clicking and instantly releasing the right mouse button (opens up a panel with color variants)
  • A visual object representation when going through the list of objects (kinda like in the Sims games, where the model shows up in the list)
  • (This should be chosen in the controls menu) Instead of holding right click to move your camera, just press CTRL (or whatever you binded it to) to toggle camera movement and then just move normally.
  • Test in Game feature
  • Ability to place details (grass, flowers etc.) wherever you want (like the resources in 3.0, where you can place them on top of objects and stuff), this allows for further detailing.
  • Ability to check an always spawn option on zombie spawns, animal spawns, item spawns and vehicle spawns (Meaning that an object or what the spawn represents will always be there in-game). I’ve had many times when I wanted a passage in a secret cave or bunker to be blocked by a bear or a megazombie but sometimes they don’t spawn.
  • Ability to customize animal values the way you can customize a zombie’s health, exp value, item drops etc.
  • When selecting what zombies can wear and drop, it would be nice to have an item list the way we have an object list in the 3.0 editor. (complete with images, which shouldn’t be hard to code because all items will have an inventory icon)

Environment :
I’ve always liked how 2.0 had a bit more detail in the environment, like pizza boxes in houses, mugs, things like that. It would also be nice if there were very many vanilla furniture items, because a lot of the ones I see on the workshop have wrong colors, too many polys, or just don’t fit the art style in general. I really like what vanilla looks like and I want my maps to look 100% vanilla. (But then again, Unreal Engine will probably mean modding will be a hell lot easier, and I’ll be able to make my own mods, since I’m already pretty familiar with the engine and its UI). So if we had multiple variations of couches, TVs, coffee tables, nightstands, lamps, clocks, showcases, things to put in showcases (little statues of angels, nicely decorated plates etc.) it would be amazing and they don’t necessarily have to be used in the vanilla maps, but having them there for dedicated mappers would be awesome. If the colors also werent as vibrant (they don’t necessarily have to be a DayZ, but more of an Unturned 2.0, where the environment was colorful and vibrant but still dark) it would definetly look better. This is one of the reasons I love Russia so much more than PEI and Washington.

Movement :
I hate the movement in 3.0. It feels choppy, and bad. Since Nelson is taking his time with 4.0 I hope he will get rid of this but I would love returning to a 2.0 system, where there is minor head bobbing when changing directions (should be able to be disabled in the settings), and an acceleration phase before getting to max speed like in 2.0 would also be great (would also help a lot with builders to because more accurate movement, as the acceleration will cause you to move very slowly when tapping w,s,a, or d.)
I don’t know how to feel about sliding and dolphin diving. It sounds good but when I saw it in action on the devlog it doesn’t look as good. It should either be toned down a lot (like sliding should only take you like 1 meter forward and should have a 1 second cooldown and should not allow you to shoot while performing it, animation should look somewhat like the animation in Far Cry 3 for sliding, where you see your legs and can’t see much in front of you to further give downsides to do it in combat. I think dolphin diving should instead be replaced with a roll, like rolling in Dark Souls, which will most likely make your enemy and zombie miss, while sliding should be used to get into cover if low HP or just to get an advantage on the enemy.)
I think third person should instead of being a first person camera but with the camera behind the character should be more like a Saints Row camera. And I’m saying Saints Row, not GTA. The problem with the GTA controls (in my opinion) is that your character feels very unresponsive as the acceleration takes too much, and the camera also moves towards your character when you turn. In Saints Row, the acceleration is quick but still felt and the camera stays just focused but not turned in your characters direction until you move your mouse.
Also in Vehicles the camera should be centered by default because I find it annoying how it’s on one side or the other all the time.

Gunplay :

I think Semi-auto weapons need a buff. The Eaglefire and Fusilaut for example are never used. They should have a high fire rate but only if you spam click (still not too high so people with things like speedautoclicker can’t abuse it).
When shooting, guns need to feel satisfying. I believe it would be amazing if the recoil was something similar to Far Cry 3’s guns. It feels very nice. There should be a cosmetic recoil which is the animation of the gun shooting, this should be made to feel as satisfying as possible, and there should be the functioning recoil which is the pattern your camera follows. This, complete with satisfying gun sounds will make gunplay feel much better.
I normally don’t support bullet sponge in video games but when done to an extent where killing people is still easy but also take a couple of bullets, this with lower recoil and high fire rate and the huge amounts of blood people make when getting hit in Unturned will make it feel EVEN better ( in my opinion at least). This happens in… Far Cry 3. I’m sensing a pattern here. (Correction: Far Cry 3 has no bullet sponge because damage is realistic, but the guns have pretty low recoil and high fire rates, which makes them feel very good in combination with the amazingly-done shooting animations). This will however require a lot of balancing for the rarity of the ammo, because it needs to be more common to compensate for the amount of bullets people take, but also not too common to feel like you have too much. (Remember, it’s still not too many bullets, I’d say around 4-5 shots to the body with a Zubeknakov.)
Shotguns should use a full circle crosshair rather than a split-into-4 circle crosshair. Just my opinion but whenever a game has a crosshair like that for a shotgun it makes me feel like a lot of bullets are missing and in a way escaping the crosshair because of the gaps in it. I might be alone on this but it just feels better even when missing to have a full circle crosshair.

Reload Animations:
I think reload animations should have a kind of snap to them. Like when reloading a double barrel shotgun you will see your character struggle to open it up and then when it does it instantly snaps to being fully open, along with an oomph sound. Like a stick breaking or something. Other examples of where this can be done is pulling the pin on a grenade, hammering an automatic rifle, using the bolt on a sniper etc.
Movement Animations:
From what I’ve seen, the movement animations feel very out of place in the Devblog videos when combined with the extra detail on the character. It felt fine in 3.0 but there should be a step up here. They should have more bone rotation. Rather than the entire arm moving at once, it should start with the entire arm, then when the shoulder stops moving, the lower arm should still continue moving a bit because of inertia. Legs should also move further forward. For sprinting the spine should move a bit forward.
Melee Animations:
I think the melee animations in 3.0 look pretty crap. They all do the same thing, they move a bit backwards and then quickly forward. This should be changed for all weapons to have their own animations. This will take time but as Nelson said, he’s taking his time with the game. I don’t know how to exactly explain this. But I’ll try making some and edit this post to add links to examples. I’ll do it in places where I feel I didn’t explain it good enough. (so most suggestions honestly).

New Gamemode :

I don’t know what this would be called, but you can search for this specific gamemode in the server filters. The game will start out with a lobby, and everyone in the lobby will then be put in the game when it starts. After the game started, the server is locked to spectators only. You only have one life, and the first day is looting day (days should be longer btw). No zombies spawn in this day, to make sure everyone has a chance to get loot. PvP is also disabled in this first day. People get a chance to set up a small base or camp, get resources and the military base(s) are inaccessible by invisible walls during this day to avoid people going for an easy military base raid. When the night comes (and this applies to every night), zombies start spawning. Mainly in cities but they should also be allowed to spawn in the woods. People will basically be forced to stay inside because every night behaves like a full moon (minus zombies spawning every 3 seconds). They have increased visibility at night and deal more damage. (And have increased movement speed to the point where they are a bit faster than the player if the player is walking) Every night the loot respawns however, so if you do risk it, you have the chance to get the loot first before anyone else. Sneakybeaky max will basically be required to do this though. In the day it’s pretty normal, zombies are just normal but give less XP. Rare loot should be even rarer, so it will be hard to find guns and ammo. Because of this, KOS is discouraged as you waste valuable resources and you break your gun. If you die once, you die forever but you (and anyone else) can still spectate. The game lasts until everyone has died or if the game lasts for very long (I’d assume they’d just last for like 2-3 real life days though), until the server resets.
Because of the die once die forever system though, bleeding should not happen as often and shouldn’t deal as much damage (I mean, in real life bleeding will definetly not do as much as it does in Unturned), giving the player time to bandage himself. I know this just sounds like a generic apocalypse game player’s wet dream but just sharing my suggestions, maybe something similar to this can be done.

Brands :

Brands in the game are practically non-existent, other than the Youtuber reference billboards around the maps, Big J, Aegis and Scorpion-7. But it would be nice if we had brands like Coca-Cola (although with other names) in-game, to give items and the world more of a real life feel. Instead of Bottled Cola it should be something like Bottle of Fantasy Cola, or instead of just Chocolate Bar there should be something like Rix Bar. Just in general more detail to item names. This could spread out to vehicles and objects as well. Instead of having a normal Truck, you can find Fantasy Cola trucks, with some Bottles of Fantasy Cola in the trunk, or instead of a normal vending machine, you can have Fantasy Cola vending machines, with their own colors and logos and stuff. Just more detail would be appreciated as it feels like in 3.0 it’s a world made in a sort of Hunger Games way where it’s just random things with generic “Water Bottle” names everywhere, because in the apocalpyse noone is gonna care anyways.

UI :
I love the way the health bar looks like in the Devlog videos. It’s compact and nice. It should be kept that way. I think the inventory should also be a bit more minimal as well while still giving space to sort things out. I don’t really know how this would be done but I’ll try some stuff in Photoshop and see.

Modding :
Since Unreal is going to make mod support a lot easier, I think there should be more than items, objects, vehicles and maps to modding. Like people should be able to create UI mods, reskins, remodels, things like that. (But reskins and remodels and stuff should be required by the server to have installed as well to work in multiplayer). Maybe even gameplay-changing mods (that again, should be required by the server), like quality of life changes or even complete changes to systems like hunger, gunplay, stuff like that.
It would be amazing if there was also an ingame editor for certain things, like if you wanted to make a weapon, you’d need to load the editor, put in the model path, set IDs and values and stuff, and when you fill everything, you can click export and it would make a mod file. I don’t know how hard this is to code, but Nelson has always amazed me in the past with things I didn’t know were possible, but he did it, so I doubt this isn’t really possible. Same would go for vehicles, Objects and stuff. If not, I’m pretty sure it would be possible to make modding tools.

I’ll search for reference images and videos and even make my own for some things to demonstrate what I’m talking about, I’ll edit the post later.

Yes. Brands. Makes things much more vibrant.

Personally, bleeding should not happen after you’ve been shot.

Ok. If you’ve ever read any of the lore, then you should know that these specialized types aren’t naturally caused by the disease, but by human experiments. It was Scorpion-7 that caused the development and mutations that led to flamers, flankers, spitters, and even the different bosses.

Did you know. That zombies. Are actually dead? Their greatest advantage is that they cannot feel. They cannot feel pain, fatigue, etc. Running has absolutely no effect on them! They could follow you across the entire map, and while you’ll run out of stamina, the runners won’t. Why? THEY DON’T GET TIRED!


Ok. The problem with this is: Food rots, no? The apocalypse, at least, happened a month ago. At that rate, any food that has not been otherwise preserved will rot. What we should have instead is the ability to craft good dishes. The skill system could be revised with different skill sets, and for example a chef would easily be able to craft more sophisticated dishes.


A good idea, but some aspects need work.

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Ok. If you’ve ever read any of the lore, then you should know that these specialized types aren’t naturally caused by the disease, but by human experiments. It was Scorpion-7 that caused the development and mutations that led to flamers, flankers, spitters, and even the different bosses.

I know most of the lore but I completely forgot about that part.

Did you know. That zombies. Are actually dead? Their greatest advantage is that they cannot feel. They cannot feel pain, fatigue, etc. Running has absolutely no effect on them! They could follow you across the entire map, and while you’ll run out of stamina, the runners won’t. Why? THEY DON’T GET TIRED!

I guess.

Ok. The problem with this is: Food rots, no? The apocalypse, at least, happened a month ago. At that rate, any food that has not been otherwise preserved will rot. What we should have instead is the ability to craft good dishes. The skill system could be revised with different skill sets, and for example a chef would easily be able to craft more sophisticated dishes.

Alright, but at least seeing them there and having the option to eat them even if they are rotten would add to the overall detail.

fun over realism, period. after all, this is unturned we’re talking about, the game where you can summon alien handheld railguns by fixing radio towers.

But then again, flankers and burners aren’t really fun

Fun to kill.
Bit more of a challenge.

I think the flankers and burners could be tweaked a little to fit some people’s desire for realism (i.e. flankers can just be smarter zombies and burners can be radioactive zombies with more range)
i don’t see how the flankers will become “realistic” without getting nerfed a little though

also changes like this will conflict with the lore

I don’t see why lore would be concern, since this is a suggestion for 4.x and not Unturned 3. Change away.

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This is a survival game. And it’s far too late for the food to still be good after the entire map to become infected.

I don’t think being intoxicated gives you armor. In fact, it should damage your radiation but give water and should make you get in the “drunk” state where your screen starts leaning left and right slightly with a very slight blur.

Not sure which direction we’re wanting to take this alcohol idea, but alcoholic beverages dehydrate you. It’s stops the process of absorbing water, which causes you to release all this excess water constantly.

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This is a game, afterall
A little fiction won’t hurt.
Alcohol should be used in medication mostly rather than a beverage

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That’s why I was confused on the direction the idea was being taken, since you were against intoxication giving armor (because of realism, I assumed). It seemed like a suggestion for the stereotypical “rage-mode via alcoholic drink” status buff games do.

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