Hello guys so i come up with a list of best games for 2019 for everyone. Any suggestion pls reply down here. My game is
1, Devil May Cry 5
Mount & Blade II Bannerlord
Metro Exodus
Cyberpunk 2077
Cuphead DLC
Fortnite season 8
not to shabby if ye ask me
Generation Zero and Left Alive look promising.
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Borderlands 3 hopefully
Glances at Randy Pitchford
dead matter
subnautica below zero DLC
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Just to clarify—it’s not DLC.
Below Zero is a separate game you purchase separately from Subnautica, and does not require Subnautica to be played.
Cool. Hopefully I can afford it.
Unturned II
Hytale maybe
I will one up you with Minecraft II,
Jk its unturned 2 for me
Cuphead’s DLC.
the best new game of 2019 is titanfall 2
maybe dusk or super mario brothers 2 while we are at it.
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