A touch up on an idea from a while back

So this is involving the elevators kinda stuff, people didn’t really understand what I meant so watch the cinematic at the beginning of this video and you’ll probably understand what I meant.

It would be fun for as, the video has shown, to be able to hide vehicle below the base and then have a elevator lift of sorts lift them up to a higher point where you can take off a heli or drive a car out of the garage.
There now tell me what you think on THIS!!! XD

What exactly is the point of this post?

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it was about an old idea I had a while back for elevators, kinda like the elevator in this. it was on a post about more tech in unturned or something. Ill try to find it.


I made a post somewhere in there about elevators

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Elevators for vehicles that can be constructed by the player out of raw materials?

No, that’s not only unnecessary but not fitting for Unturned 4.0. Especially an elevator that lifts a helicopter out of your “survivor” hidden underground bunker lair, which in itself is abusing game mechanics to “hide” a part of the base.

well I was planing on it be taxing and taking a TON of materials, and possibly since you can salvage computers and such, it might be possible. I would just like to be able to store vehicles under my base, instead of in a garage, so basically it would allow more space, also I think it should only affect vehicles and players, you cant place objects on it or something like that, I dunno

Being resource expensive doesn’t balance or change the fact that it’s handmade by a surviving civilian of the zombie apocalypse.

Plus I can see so many ways this can be abused

look, tbh unturned is not supposed to be realistic. Im thinking you would need a high skill level for it AND maybe you can only make it from a blueprint from a quest or something?like a rewards. all in all it should be hard and basically useless sorta, other than to life vehicles and players up. I dont think you should be able to hide the base at all if you have a elevator in it so yeah. It would just make the game more fun, to go under your base, drive a car tot he elevator, it lifts it up, and you drive out of the building just like that

laughs hysterically on the inside

That literally is the entire point of 4.0. Nelson has been developing it with far greater realism and immersion in mind, with an emphasis on realistic survival mechanics. A freaking underground vehicle elevator isn’t going to do anything but provide detriment to this focus.

haha no… unturned will never be realistic, we dont want it turning to dayz or something. no, its most likely gonna be the same as before and plus since when did a zombie apocalypse cause by berries be realistic :confused:

I’m sorry, what? Where did you get the information where Nelson stated the game isn’t meant to be realistic or at least pseudo-realistic?

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So, you’re just going to degrade the game’s realism because your vision of it isn’t as good.

I mean, congrats, you’ve successfully contradicted even Nelson’s wishes.

I don’t think a lift straight up made for vehicles makes much sense. Especially for something like a helicopter or a tank. Not very fitting.

A smaller lift for cargo or whatever would be neat to see, though, for say if movable crates or boxes were added.

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like yes, I do like unturned to be a bit more realistic with car physics and bullet drop but I really dont want to lose the goofy stuff with unturned, like being able to explode by eating gum.
well just scrolled down after I read this and people are just shooting down my ideas… jeeze its not like these are gonna be implemented. edit" well sorta.

Yeah smaller lifts like that could work. Maybe at the lowest tier have pretty much a rope on a pulley, while at the highest tier have some sort of powered crane.

Unturned 4 will be more realistic but… why take out the fun of it? See, minecraft for an example. Would you call it realistic? (images of person breaking solid diamond with bare fists) No. But it’s fun! It’s fun surviving in the woods of a forest. By adding such illogical features such as washing machines falling out of the sky, players go “Wow, how did that get here?” or “This game is full of surprises, isn’t it?”

All I’m trying to say is, don’t turn unturned into “The Long Dark”,it just takes the “Unturned” feel out of it.

If a washing machine falls out of the sky I wouldn’t

I’d just say something to the effect of “Holy crap! If that had landed a little bit closer, it could have killed me.” If it happened in a video game, I’d probably report it as a bug. The only game that doesn’t hold true for would be Goat Simulator.

Nelson please don’t make Unturned into Goat Simulator.

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