Ability to switch between models when placing objects and barricades: I think it would make creation much quicker to have tools for modders and map creators. One of these tools could be a new object or barricade type that allows a randomized object model.
Starting with maps, what if we could make model clusters of boxes, barrels, or crates and when we place “Barrel Cluster”, unturned chooses one of a set of objects to place? Place one object and one of a set of 5 models is chosen and placed as the object. This allows map makers to make one click and have complex object placements made for them.
With barricades, take Window bars. Instead of placing the exact same model right next to each other, we can place the same barricade and have different models chosen. No more lists of models for essentially the same object; just one “Broken Car” with a dozen colors and cars giving 144 different possible objects placed with one click.
I think a big pro of unturned creation is the speed we can produce models and a big con is the length of time it takes to produce a quality aesthetic map or base.