About crossbows and bows

I don’t know how to balance the bows, other than the crossbow, which the suggestion you made is pretty :ok_hand:. Most bows have a different purpose like a compound or recurve for hunting large game and smaller bows/special arrows for hunting small game (so it doesn’t ruin the meat. Like a flat rubber tip arrow for killing prey out of blunt trama). I guess one way to balance it is if misused, like dry fireing or not storinging it properly your bow will snap or lose poundage.

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I don’t know about modern crossbows but medieval crossbows required you to completely stop and use your foot to reload. Forcing crossbow users to have to stop completely for several seconds would greatly balance out the high damage they bring. (And its realistic!)

Edit: There are also tools out there that can help you reload faster, so thats another possibility.

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Yeah. That’s a good possibility for the cross bow, but what about a normal bow?

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As long as the crossbow is the best of all bows, I’m pleased.

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As long as the bow has a 1 shot kill with a seemingly silent shot, that is all what i need xD

If you wanna add a bit more balance to nerf the crossbow, it can be the only 1 shot headshot, but needs 3 body hits to kill, that way it rewards skilled players. And the reload could be 2 ~ 3 seconds long

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It should be more like 5 seconds

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5 seconds is too long for a reload time, especial for 1 shot. 3 seconds would be ok because 5 seconds is the time required to reload a box-fed machinegun

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In real life it takes about 15 seconds to reload a crossbow for a inexperienced person. With an archery skill, reloading and weapon sway could be decreased.

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It depends on the type of crossbow and how it’s reloaded. Some crossbows have a dial which you turn to get the rope/string pulled back, another type of crossbow has an additional metal bar which you can use to step on to keep it steady as you pull the rope back. Unless that person lacks the physical strength, then reloading a crossbow won’t take that long.

And why waste an entire skill just for archery?

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Please read carefully before replying.

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I whould love to see poisoned arrows be a thing. Get anything toxic (chemicals) and combine with a makeshift projectile, have it have a green trail behind it when fired, and a small toxic splatter effect and there, nice and cool.

I say, if the bow does a standard of 85 dmg, it deals 50 base dmg? however with the poison… Suddenly the afflicted can suddenly hoast a whole set of problems and debuffs, Like of course, poison (hp drain, I say over 30 seconds, will drain a total, regardless upon where it hit or how far, 65 dmg, which amounts to 115 dmg), minor hallucinations, and immunity damage (26%?).

Well, yes it sounds super OP, but remember, it’s over time, and requires crafting and care. It whould be effective V armored opponents.

Though this might be a high skill and planning weapon, it might be quite useful in distant combat. Think, if it loses 50% of it’s velocity in the air in that distance shot (25 initial damage, now take off 20% for helm?), the opponent will be weakend (and pinned if took cover) for that duration of 30 seconds. yes, it may not have hurt that bad, but with vision difficulties and a constant poison debuff him retaliating to you effectively in long range combat seems unrealistic. Just load in a normal arrow and now, with Possably a bleed added in, it seems bleak if you did it just right.

A true asset in the silent assassins tool set. Of course, assuming he does away with 3.0’s Insta healing mechanics.

Sorry if I’m missing something obvious or if I slaughtered some words, I’m tired.


The poisoned arrows sounds like a cool idea, but there have to be drawbacks to it, like having a bit more drop than the regular arrow and does less physical damage but delivers damage over time like -5% HP every second

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Well, I thought I said everything but the drop you mentioned.

How whould you stat it exactly?

Basically, it would have an additional 20% of drop. An additional 10% of travel time, basically meaning it will take a bit more time to reach the target (even if the addition is only 0.1s). And with the decreased physical damage by 20%. Let’s say the regular arrow from a crossbow deals 60 DMG to the body, with the reduced 20% damage, it’ll have -12 to the base damage, giving an overall 48 DMG.
And last but not least, the damage overtime of the poison that deals 5 DMG each second and lasts for 10 seconds, or 1 damage per second for 30 seconds. The effect can be degated by using vaccine, vitamins, or aid kits

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