Ok, nelson has planned zombies “Without limit behind your spawns” in 4.0. Probabily go atack your bases but had a litle problem in here.
how i defense my house against zombies when offline?
And how prevent than players destroy my “zombies defenses” to turn a raid plus easy?
(My fear in here is turn the invasion “Meta” Using zombies to get loot or remove a problems)
About the first question its easy! Systems to kill zombies like Auto Sentryes, fences allright no problems in here nelson go invent a system with tubes, energy, etc… turning much things automatics in general probabily.
Now the another quest that yes its a huge problem, Why destroy a base 3x3 if its much more easy just atack the turret on top of same or just destroy one fence to zombies enter and destroy the base.
Zombies shouldn’t raid player buildings if there isn’t any player activity inside them.
As automated stuff is confirmed, then probably if you don’t turn off any noisy machines and systems before you disconnect zombies may still raid you.
To counteract such scenario and don’t be exposed to player raiding as well, the first automated system every player should get for their bases is a defensive one, as it’s logical.
Side note: most types of zombies shouln’t even be able to damage structures, hence barricades only. So let’s say Megazombies do a comeback, then it’d be of those few capable of dealing high harm to your base.
Make zombies not attack a structure if the player owning the structure is offline however this could be abused. Or simply add detection when a player is ontop of a breakable object.
Make zombies do very little damage to the STRUCTURE but break down doors, gates and windows (except bulletproof windows and metal doors). It just does not make sense than zombies can break a wall down (Unless it is like special zombie) Just code into their AI to target doors, windows etc. Would make it so they would try clear out the base instead of tearing it down. Would be way to dumb to have zombies break down a metal structure with their bare hands.
How? If by any chance zombies target on your base, disconnecting shouln’t make them go away, rather they would keep destroying it if you’re fool enough to disconnect and not stop them.
In general terms, zombies raiding bases should totally be based on player activity inside it. If you’re not crafting, cooking, moving stuff or doing basically anything that could potentially make zombies curious about what’s going on in your base or directly triggering them, then you could stay safe inside your base, to the point on which a nearby horde just walks past your base simply cuz’ there aren’t human edibles nor triggering activity.
Horde-beacon-ish zombie raids should only happen during full moon, which is supposed to enhance their senses and increase their aggro, so it would be a really fair approach to periodically extrme dangerous hordes of which you have to take care.
Ok, but if for example i cause disturbs inside of another base to use zombies to destroy that base, in resume make a raid with zombies dropping a grenade, flying with a helicopter my fear is the use of zombies AI to make a invasions more easy and with low cost.
A “Bug” envolving AIs happened in Rust (Game) when has added Attack helicopter. (AH-64 Apache) The solution to fix that in emergency was add a rule to helicopter drop the missles (In case the thing than destroy bases) the player in target needed the “Build Autorization in Base” a thing crucial and impossible to get without raid the base.
That AI helicopter had the rule he need be atracted, and i see the same problem with the concept idea of zombies in 4.0 are things differents but the potential of glith are the same. That is my fear
First off, not sure what you meant with the Rust’s example.
If you’re already inside the base, there’s no actual need to lure zombies there, as you could only trap yourself in there and die to zombies, and it’s been clarified that zombies should only destroy barricades, not structures, so virtually using zombies to destroy the whole base (as it may happen in 3.x) should’nt even be possible.
Besides, UII zombies shouldn’t just smash random stuff just for being there; if they’re lured by a common noise source, they’ll go to it, and destroy any barricades in the middle. Same with players: zombies should only make their way through your base if they discover you’re in there, in the veru first place.
How is it then? Well, if you simply throw a grenade aside a base’s wall, zombies should run over there and just so, unless there are players inside the building that zombies could spot and hunt down.
I think that if the base owners arent in the base or not online then the zombies should not attack it even if there are enemy players inside, but they could wait outside the base incase of any players come out for “dinner”
I think that lore wise zombies should be attracted to smell and electrical signals(like ants). This should mean that as the player progresses and gains electrical equipment the difficulty of the horde should grow. This also means that the problem of always having to be online should be fixed as the player can only kill a few more zombies than he’d spawn in.
I think in base building should be split into dead weight systems for resources and crafting which should spawn only a few zombies each, and sentries turrets that can kill many more zombies than they spawn to balance the extra horde from the dead weight systems.
I think Nelsons plan would be good for keeping servers clear of abandoned bases because without the player repairing the damaged defences the base would be completely demolished(zombies are attracted to electrical equipment but will attack anything nearby once they get rid of the offending machines)
Zombies could be naturally attracted towards players from all distances and slowly move towards them with a horde mentality if there isnt a player then they mostly stay in the same place but wander individually occasionally, noises and lights have been shown to agitate them like flares and smoke grenades so likely as metioned machinery and lighting may also agitate them to a lesser effect to slowly try to widdle down your base but not nearly to the same degree if a player is in there