Types of trains
There should be two types of trains. Diesel electric and electric. Diesel electric train requires fuel just like in unturned 3.0 (there is no special train fuel) and electric train requires a power source at one of the power station.controls
Reverser is used to select if a train should go forward or backward. It also has an idle or engine only position and off position.throttle
Setting a throttle input sets the target speed. The bigger the difference between current speed and target speed, the more power is applied. Electric train have an instant throttle response. Diesel electric train has a slight delay because it's engine has to adjust it's rpm.brakes
there are 3 types of brakes.
- Dynamic brake works by turning train’s traction motors into generator and converting train’s kinetic energy into elektricity. Electric trains can return part of it’s consumed electricity back into the network. It’s more efficient if a train is going fast.
- Train brake works by pressurizing or depressurizing (depend on the type of brakes on the coaches) the train’s brake loop, which applies brakes on the entire train. Applying and releasing brakes is not instant and it depends on the train length.
- Engine brake (also called independent brake) works by directly applying brakes on the engine.
Startup and shutdown
Startup and shutdown is pretty simple:Startup process:
- Turn the master key (master key should spawn with the train, but it can be pulled off to lock the train)
- raise the pantograph (electric trains only)
- flip the battery switch, which starts the engine
- set the reverser
- release the brakes
- slowly increase throttle
Shutdown process is just reversed.