About vehicles in unturned II
I’ve read some of the things that is here already, like the one where some of you spoke about Walking inside vehicles and opening doors n’ stuff… so this is what i have thought about.
finding cars
when you find a vehicle i dont want them to be in a shitty condition like in 3.0
they should be more realistic, like an empty tire, empty battery, no gas… and you should be Abel to see why… like if there has been a gunfight (like some scenes in the game that I think I’ll write about sometime soon…) so then you might have an car in front of you with an fuel leakage
Beautiful explaining Picture here you go

and that would make it pretty much impossible for you to take that wehicle then because you might not be Able to fix the vehicle right then and there. so you have to find Another one, you might find one crashed into a pole.

soo… the egine is kaput and you can’t use that either, so well you try to find Another one, and you find one, great, but that one has an empty battery, empty tire, and no gas… so what do you do?, well look in the trunk for a spare tyre, nothing there, take it from Another car, mabye from the one whit no fuel… take the battery at the same time too… and take the fuel from the polecar the owners are probably dead anyways so they wont need it, right?
and now you have a working car

so I think it would be good to make it harder to find working cars and that you have to do some work so that you have a car and that you have to do stuff to keep them working also…
Also in the vehicles there should bbodies of dead people and turned, there should also be turneds still sstrapt in to the seatbelts in some cars.
fixing cars
In unturned 3.0 its too easy…
it should be more specific. more realistic, ou should be able to fix specific parts in your car and it should be a must to do that so that your car keeps working
like fuck the dents they ont affect the preformance
might affect healt a little but anyways, you should be more concerned about the Engine, brakes, steering, and so on…
you should have to change parts and repair your vehicle sometimes also on the go.
it would make your vehicles more valuable for yourself if you have put much time and effort into it so that it would be working and so on.
fixing on the go - for example ifsomeone shoots at your car when you are driving and it stops… you take him out and then take a look at your Engine, and it seems like he shot the fuelpump out, and that you have to change it, you would have to take a new fuel pump and change it and then it would be working again.
fixing should be detailed so that it would be nicer and take a Little longer… but not too detailed cuz it would take too much time.
things you would ha´ve to fix for the vehicle to work correctly… The Engine, the steering, the wheels and tires, the suspension, the gas tank, and the carbattery. they should be the main things, the critical things to get the car moving should be the Engine, gastank and the battery.
the body would only protect the car… the things that take damage, including you, the car should not have a main healt like now but “part healt” every part has its own healt(more in the damage section). fixig should be that you can fix the parts hat are repairable in real life and so on, and then some parts should just be changable and not repairable.
repairing different stuff should require different Equipment and Tools, for example changing a tire whould require a wrench of some sort or something like that, and changng the fuelpumpshould also require different kinds of Tools, and repairing holes in the vehicles body should require a blowtorsh and some metal… and so on…
About damage
- damage to cars in unturned 3.0 is pretty much ridiculous, you know…
so I hope that in II it would be that the damage is done to specific parts and not the whole car. Think about it like in real life, you hit a car in the door (your hand probably breaks…) and you have a Beautiful dent in your door so if a zombie… excuse me a turned in unturned II hits your car your car should not take damage, just the part the turned hits, for example the door, there comes a dent, it doesn’t affect much, but then again if there was a horde your car would take more damage if the turned like piled on top of the car and pushed down the roof with their weight or something like that, but turned should not be Able to by themself break your vehicle. your glasses probably yes by hitting their head or arm trough the window and trying to grab you/bite you while you are peacefully looking at your map inside your car in the middle of the forest.
the cars hitboxes should be divided in the parts that they are, the bodypanels stop the damage from hitting the player and the critical parts of the vehicle, like the Engine, and the gas tank… the bodypanelsshould stop and/or reduce the damage to the critical parts, the vehicle is thicker in some parts so a 9mm bullet might not make it trough the front fender to the Engine, depends on how tick/ damaged the metal is, also when the bodypanels are damaged they should take damage on the part that they have been hit on…
as you can clearly see this is my Beautiful scetch of a van, with an door

would be like this, they are divided into many small ones: wich all has the same hp that = to the doors full hp, which means that when one of these breaks when it has taken enough damage
there becomes a hole, ( in the metal: on the other side is the interior witch has the same metod but whit its own hp and own bullet stopping resistant… you know…
the window:
has also its own damage resistant… it is divided into even smaller boxes that would break pretty much instantly… and if it goes straight over the window breaks there
guns should do damage only to the hitbox they hit and whe they have hit it enough times it breaks.
about interaction
- interaction in 3.0 is too simple… you know… you just go in to the vehicle anywhere
I’ve seen what nelson has done and i like it, looks Amazing.
But I’d like to see something more, something differet, something even better.
like looking around inside the car: to get out -> look at the doorhandel and press it to get out -> your hand does the open animation -> in speed you jump out and roll
you could have a gun somewhere in your car “qucic acces”
and when you look around when driving and see an enemy you just look at the gun, press it and then you have it in your hand and could shoot the enemy. why not just use a handgun you have on you? well if you think about a gun that you have on your waist or something it will probably be under the seatbelt and be very hard to get out so it would take longer to equip…
this would also personalize the vehicle more.
also moving inside bigger vehicles and placing stuff, like a van, putting a bed in it, crates or stuffor just Walking, should be added, and also when you are driving a van that your friend could just stand in the back and hold on to something and shoot out n’ stuff
about upgrades/customisation
it should be added
you should be Able to build a normal car into an crazy self made offroader like this
you should be able to change pretty much Everything, add stuff, and so on
change suspension to higer nd more durable suspension, and the tires to bigger offroad tires, and swap the Engine, upgrade it by putting better parts on it or just a turp or a supercharger or a goddamn blower
turbo: (the fan thing)
supercharger: (the “box” on top)
blower: ( you probably see what it is)
you could take the trunk lid of your hatchback and put a m60 there and have yoour friend standing there and shoot while you are driving
it would just be awesome if you could do pretty much anything to your car, it would make the car more personal and you could get very attached to it when you use your time on it.
the customisation you do on your car should affect the durability, driving, and Power of your vehicle and all that.
about driving
the damage the vehicle has taken should affect diving.
for example if you damage you Wheels or suspension it would be harder to drive qus the vehicle would not stay straight and it would loose speed and traktion.
damage to Engine would make your car loose Power, and damage ti the battery would drop the Power so that some things mightstop working, but the car wouldn’t stop bc the car produces enough electrisity when on to keep the car going.
damage to the gastank whould not make the vehicle explode (Always, sometimes yes but it would be rare) it would make a fuel leak but the gas in the tank could cause an explosion, it wouldnt kill but it could cause burndamages, and put the vehicle on fire.
this is my first post so I hope you enjoyed and liked it and understood what I was trying to say even if it was a Little unorganized and messy… and long… but yees
hope you enjoyed:D exquse me for the mess