No Unturned II, only Cheese. Everything’s cheese
gad dammit
the moon
All that is yellow is cheese.
Let’s go boiz! we got a moon to eat!
There should be different kinds of cheese with buffs and debuffs. For instance, cheddar could allow you to swallow food quicker but would also make you slower. Mozzarella could make it so you have a speed boost but you lose the ability to see. Swiss cheese would give you health boost based on the number of holes in the cheese’s stomach. Ricotta would allow you to spray acid out of your eyeballs but you’d lose the ability to have legs until the effect wears off, which is only after 20 minutes. chese combine cracker gives you the ability to exist on a different plane of existence where the green beasts behold of of such greater beings energy of frantic dis-remorse. thy shall apply said cheese of such power to be granted thy ability to read a book found under a lair in which will contain nothing but nails and pottery and witches stones. help
Now I want cheesecakes in U4.
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Someone get a list of cheese products, I want to see what we can get into 4.0
bacon flavored easy cheese
what no…
Thank you, @dragon_beast, now Wallace can get his cheese
How you make the wiki think transparent