do you play mechwarriors?,are you a evangelion weeblord an want to immitate what your favorite anime characters do?,well i have te solution for you!,adding mechas into the game will feature alot of mechanics to the game,including smashing opponents with your feet,being ale to fly,have FOUR miniguns,have alot of roleplay value so you can do your weird things with your furry friends!,only that for 10 bucks with the mecha dlc!!!buy now
I’d like to introduce you to the square cube law.
mechanical beans
I know this is a meme, but I honestly don’t think Mini mech suits would be too far out of the question.
Shhhhh, ground pressure and the square cube law do not work here.
There is a myriad of flaws in much of the tech, ut hey itis one of the better excuses to have knights in space (along with 40Ks Knights and Titans).
Plus I’d love me some advanced thermal storage and lasers.
listen to him,he spams lasers like a god
I don’t know about mech suits, but there’s some pretty cool powered and unpowered exoskeletons being developed IRL, that could totally fit in Unturned.
Ngl, unpowered load bearing exos would make perfect sense in that sorta scenario.
exos with lasers
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