is it possible to let AI in game learn from what it’s doing? like zombies start finding out how to get to places or learning how to sneak up to a player or if a zombie sees a player it can choose to go straight to the player or searching for other zombies to help. if they see a driving vehicle or player or something different than usual they will investigate or instantly attack. if AI is hurt other AI will try to help. just that AI can make random choices and think by itself.
Hmmmmm… For a 3d game it would take a lot of work, and the AI would have to learn after you have installed the game…
Its possible, but terrible for the games running speed, and the AI could bug out, and consider something non dangerous to players to have succeeded, so then you might get harmless zombies.
This won’t work. It’s a decent idea, but yeah.
not to mention it would take a good chunk of Nelson’s time.
So you’re suggesting this lmao
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Actually, people make AIs that learn from their mistakes all the time. Though they make them for much simpler games and such, but still.
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