Like seriously this stuff is fucking awesome! I just made a helicopter from the beam objects and a gas tank. I really don’t get all the hate, I am not getting any lag, it’s super convenient, and all the stuff is already in game so it doesn’t even add to the file size. I don’t have enough time to learn unity to model so I don’t get the issue here.
Generally speaking compound objects do look good; however, it would look better if you learned modeling in unity (from what I hear, it isn’t that difficult).
I think the main reason people don’t care for compound is the hit that your FPS takes. Unturned is already optimized, and now it has to render in a bunch of polygons that you can’t even see, making the game run even slower.
Large, takes up a lot of inventory slots, has to aim before firing.
Takes up the same amount of space, literally has the exact same stats in terms of damage, reload, range, etc, with the added bonus that you can actually hipfire.
you can’t just say it was a joke
But it was
if compound was good it’d be called goodpound
if flodotelitokifo wasnt gay then she’d be called notgaytelitokifo
if canyon arena was good then it’d be called cyrpus arena
fuck fuck fuck
I might sound stupid,but,what are we talking about?
About “if [something] [was/wasn’t] [something] [it’d/she’d/he’d] be called [something]” or random offtopic stuff
I’m a gamer girl, sexuality rules don’t apply to me
what the fuck
that’s what she said
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