An extremely minor suggestions about vehicle no. #3.1415

  1. Exhaust pipe should have smokes coming out, while idling (with player “driving” it) should have less smokes than driving at the full speed.

  2. Animation for changing seats, for an example. (I’ll be using 3.0 F1-F4 as a reference.) You can travel from F4 to F3 with just a slide, no problem on that. F1 to F2 (not sure if the driving stick will block the way or not, but who cares.)

Now, I see that there’s some amount of space between F1 to F2, so I think you might be able to travel from F3 to F2 and F4 to F1. with a maneuver I’d like to call as “My kid wants to sit in the front in the middle of a race.” you get the idea.

  1. Lighting inside the car.

Ok that’s all, your thoughts?


I think you should be able to turn off the engine without leaving the drivers seat


actually from the devlog, I think that’s a thing. Because you could hear the engine idling.


Maybe if you open the car door the lights inside could go on, which would be a cool feature to see. It would also be nice if you had car keys and the car made a honk sound every time it lock or unlocked. maybe also an alarm so if somebody attempts to break in the alarm goes off until the car is locked or the alarm stops.

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This was confirmed in the past (wish list Trello) but good of you to bring it up again.

If you’re referring to idling, that’s already implemented.

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Also, if the alarm goes off it attracts zombies and u can set off the alarms of random unlocked cars that are in towns by hitting, shooting, or jumping on them.

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