How would that helmet fit on a cube head?
-1 bad suggestion
Well, now that that issue has been addressed, I have to say that this is a well thought out, explained, formatted, and balanced suggestion.
10/10 Nelson pls add
Yeah, that is high-tier and all.
But have you considered launchable nukes?
What is that even supposed to mean
like at all
here are some launchable nukes
edit: here is launchable nuke but from a train
can confirm we meant full-size launchable nukes, not that Fat Man stuff from the unrealistic Fallout series
Was talking about the fat maam.
Enigma codes for launching ICBM my dude.
Enigma? Fucking enigma?
My dad works for the goverment and has said countless times “all those conspiracy theories are total bullshit, no goverment is that effective” and even he knows that enigma would be a terrible way to encrypt silo codes. (yes i know you were joking)
On that note, real cool kids (vandenburg air force base) use two sets of three encrypted 8 unit alpha numeric codes that are rotated every two and a half weeks
Nibba realism for the sake of realism is baaaaaad /s.
Well, man-portable nuke launchers did exist at some point, even mass produced.
Is dat the tactile cuke?
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