So I’ve been thinking about ways to reduce KOSing without some “sanity” system or the like. I believe the answer to the problem is to incentivize not completely killing for the KOSer.
The idea is this: using melee weapons (primarily blunt) can weaken players and allow you to “interrogate” them at low health. Interrogation could do many different things (not necessarily ), such as: Reveal where the player has been recently (useful for finding their base), give you some of their XP, and access their inventory.
Now, your probably asking yourself right now how this is supposed to reduce KOSing. It might not stop them from killing you after the interrogation, or reduce player aggression, but players are greedy, and they will want to get these benefits. This means they need to get close to gain these benefits, which will give the victims a small advantage.
Granted this isn’t meant to be the end all solution for KOSing, but something that might give victims a chance without adding “rules” to everyone.
I’m also leaving the interrogation method a little vague because I don’t know what the best way for that to go down. (could be a separate thread.) But the basic idea is at low health you can grab them or something similar to get their XP and other benefits.
Well KOS go on par with an apocalyptic world …
In my opinion, after killing someone , it would attract the zombies and they would run after you until you / they die
The rest of the suggestion is questionable at best. It seems forced and unnatural, and too many assumptions have been made about fundamental game mechanics that will likely see huge changes in UII.
I don’t see why everyone suggests non-lethal loot access to prevent KOS. I’d rather waste an extra bullet or two to kill a person instead of just weakening them because not only would I remove you of all your items, but I’d also kick you back to a spawn and force you to lose exp and hunt for items again. In a survival game such as Unturned, that’s a huge advantage over an opposing player if you’re now geared and they’re not. Unless you’re a Rain Army member, there’s a 99% chance you don’t give a shit about being ‘nice’ to other players. I sure don’t. And at the end of the day, I’d rather know that you’re going to have a tough time getting back to the position on the server you were at when you had gear than leave a you alive and possibly run after me for revenge and have a chance at killing me off guard.
I intend to do full length reloads and retain the magazine to refill 99% of the time, but that doesn’t mean I think the option shouldn’t be open for those that always want to toss around empty magazines for the speediest most tacticool reload animation or for those who want to be able to choose between the different reloads as the situation dictates.
I don’t see why the same amount of freedom shouldn’t be allowed for choosing whether to send someone back to spawn or to just damage them enough that they no longer are an obstacle to whatever you’re trying to do.
I think what he’s saying is that this would be fine on its own, but the rationale that lootable players when downed would somehow prevent KOS is quite illogical.
If someone wants to shoot you, they probably don’t give a crap and would finish the job just to delay your inevitable revenge.
Yeah, I don’t agree with that part, I don’t think that’s what will keep people from killing each other, but adding an incentive to getting extra XP or something similar might at least encourage fighting on more even terms. I also kind of just made this thread the second I thought of the idea so its not super well baked.
Thats a very band aid solution instead of addressing the actual “problem” of survival gameplay rewarding KOS. Personally I don’t think its an issue, people do what they want in these types of games. There should just be some discouragement in the actual game if you don’t want kos.
Are you referring to the original post or the reply immediately above you?
I can’t tell because Discourse doesn’t link to the post you’re replying to if it’s the original post or if it’s the reply immediately before yours.
If you’re responding to the original post, I would point out that while
Finishing off other players isn’t always what every player wants, it just happens to currently be the only way to make sure the other player can’t harm you as you pass through, take resources from the other player, disarm the other player, or keep the player from taking something you want.
KOS’ing is a problem with peoples brains,not with the game,imo.
So,there is no good solution to the problem other than what @Mr.Rawr said,but we know that Nelson has confirmed that 4.0 will be free.(And a good decision from Nelson’s side cause making the game pay to play might have had a pretty large impact on player count.)
Your suggestions are very solid @anon24515308,but can only discourage KOS (As the features suggested are supposed to do,according to the title.) eradicating it is another chapter (And pretty much impossible to achieve).
Did you mean to ping someone else? All I said was that the suggestions other people have given aren’t completely ineffective nor are they mutually exclusive.