Animal Saddles Suggestion

Dear, Nelson or Other Developers

I feel that adding saddles and animals like horses to put the saddles on will make the game more interesting because then there will be more variety of mobility, there could be a way that you can train your horse to get faster and jump obstacles like fallen trees or medium sized rocks. You would also want to have a helmet and vest to ride the animals so that if you are going up steep hills and if you fall off you don’t get damaged. If you added this the game would be more enjoying and you wouldn’t have to grind forever trying to get a vehicle. Crafting the saddle you would need 10 leather, 5 metal scrap, and 2 planks.


What 'bout Unturned 3 Mod? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

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Yeah rideable animals are confirmed I think.


Horses in unturned!! :scream::star_struck:
That would be awesome

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I like the idea great job. And also it will be awesome if we ride a horse indeed.

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