Dogs: If your pet dog bites too many zombies, they will become infected. Each bite they take on a zombie will lower their infection by 25%. They will show signs that they’re becoming infected by disobeying more often, twitching, aggressive mood swings were they attack you, and they growl randomly. To get rid of their infection, you need to find a veterinarian building, and find vaccines, and antibodies for them. If you don’t want to take any chances of your dog becoming infected, then you can tell your dog to push the zombie on the ground. If your dog is fully infected, they will kill you. They do 45% damage, and your infection lowers by 15%, and 2% each second they latch onto you. The zombie dogs appearance will be green bloody fur, green lizard like eyes, aggressive teeth. Once they have killed you, they will wonder off looking like a non infected dog, and once they see another player, they will put on their cute face, and when the player gets close enough, the dog tries to kill that player. They also have a chance to make you bleed, and brake your bones.
Cats: You can find cats in cities, towns, houses, and the forest. A non domesticated normal cat will just run away from you, and sleeps a lot. If you domesticate them they will attack zombies, players, and animals. the cats pounce onto you you and start clawing the hell out of you. If the entity is low health, the will bite you doing 30% damage and bleeding. Each scratch they do will cause 15% and bleeding. When they bite a zombie they will lose 15% infection. After killing a zombie, the cat gets blood on their body, and will start cleaning it off by licking it. They lose 25% infection each lick. Sometimes the cat will rub themselves on you for affection. If you have any open wounds, the zombie blood will have a chance to lower your infection by 15%,The best way and hardest way to clean them is by cleaning them in water. If you go this way, they will meow a lot and try to struggle out of your grip by digging their claws into your skin. Sometimes when you tell your cat to attack a zombie, the zombie grabs the cat, and takes deep bites into your pet cat. Your cat will start screaming in pain while you watch, or look away. This will attract some zombies. After a minute the cat becomes a zombie. An infected cat will have normal cat fur, lots of blood, and open flesh wounds. They have very low health, and is very weak. Another way for your cat to get infected is that the zombie blood got into one of your cats cuts. They will show signs that they are being slowly infected by screaming, growling, being with you as much as they can because they think they are about to die. They will also stop attacking things. Once a cat has become fully infected they will try to kill you. They will also be stronger then the other way they can become infected. Each bite they do will lower your infection by 30%. Once they kill you, they will run away, and kill other players. Their appearance after killing you will be very bloody, and lizard like eyes. They will also clean themselves to better disguise themselves. Zombie cats will have a very distorted meow, and growl a lot.