Another fucking bottle joke


Looking at one of these bad boys right now. What can i say? It tastes stale, but nothing like harambe or uganda knuckles. To be completely honest it just tastes like a ten year old copy pasta with a pinch of modern meme culture.

But hey, they take a minute to make, and thats the only reason im complaining.

Im not a fan of the language though. It compliments how much i hate the world. Say, on the other hand, how do you americans spell English as “Engles” or “Engladesh”


Finally, a good version.


the sdg forums @ me


Called the joke shit and “anyone who thinks it’s funny should be ashamed of themselves and go outside for once.”

I’m 100 steps ahead of ya.

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Some idiot: I’m a big brain because I spam about how people using a spammy meme format need to go outside.

Me: used the meme format to show some of the results of spending nearly every hour of daylight for two weeks outside chopping, sawing, splitting, carrying, stacking, dragging, or stripping wood.



Reading one of these bad boys right now. What can I say? It tastes like overused joke, but nothing like either original or funny. To be completely honest, it just tastes like a watered-down meme.

But hey, it was reused 5 times, so I won’t complain too much.

I’m not a fan of anything to do with this garbage topic of such low quality, that I would even consider it a waste of space on #community-lounge:memes. It complements just how low this community has fallen. Say, on the other hand, do you Americans know how to spell at all?

Complements is a word, damn it.

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What can I say? SCP-1678-A has a really interesting design.

Also, did you do a Google Image search? I bet you did a Google Image search.

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No, I watch bung a lot.

Good to hear that you’re in good shape from exercising outside :smiley:

You definitely can’t be talking, you and Crypto spammed likes to get a gold badge.

Ironic considering I’m very certain you did the exact same.


I’m sad and hurt that you would throw my past in my face like that.

I quit like spamming.

is this whats become of my creation…?

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im being fucking called out and i dont like it

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