Remembered I made a post somewhere about bows, took a while to find it on a steam modding discussion.
Original mod suggestion post
Had this idea after watching an archery video about choosing bows. Any other ideas for bows would be awesome.
Crossbow → Custom Crossbow. [Different stocks, reverse arm curve, compact version(2x3) etc]
Compound → Custom Compound. [Different risers, Compact limbs(2x3), sights
Wood Bows → Custom Recurve (2x5. default riser and arms match the wood type. repaired using wood and glue)[Custom risers (Carbon fiber, Metal, Pine, Maple, Birch), Custom limbs (Wood types and carbon fiber), sights, etc.]
Tips, etc:
Stock(crossbow) and Riser (compound/recurve) → Grip attachment part
Bow Arms → Barrel attachment part
3 dot luminated sight for recurve/compound (dots vertical, green is 0m, then orange below, and red below that)
Dampener & Counterweight Tactical attachments for increasing stability and reducing recoil respectively
Archer Quiver tactical attachment for drastically increasing reload speed (only recurve and compound, unless the crossbow quiver idea is nixed. Dont want too many quivers on one bow)
Crossbow Quiver Magazine attachment for crossbow, increases mag size to 6 and automatically notches the next bolt. Decreased reload speed.
So yeah, doesn’t make much sense outside of a mod suggestion, but I’d love to have more diverse archery in Unturned 4.x, so here goes a tired way-past-midnight post:
Various crossbows - Old style, Makeshift, Modern, and Reversed Limb variants. Old and makeshift just fire old style bolts, while both modern type fire modern crossbow bolts.
Compound bows - Early and modern compound bows as well as a makeshift compound bow. All fire normal modern arrows
Traditional bows - Longbows, shortbows, recurve bows, and makeshift bows. use modern or traditional arrows.
Modern bolts and arrows can have the nocks and tips changed. (broadhead or field tips, high visibility or light up nocks, etc). The shafts will either be aluminum, fiberglass, or carbon fiber, each with different weights and strengths.
Different quiver types for holding arrows. Hip, back, and bow mounted quivers (for crossbows and compound bows, possibly excluding traditional and makeshift crossbows.)
Bow sights and arrow rests (not for crossbows ofc). Sights will either have three glowing marks (green, yellow, red) that can be adjusted for different ranges, or a single post that can be adjusted for range. Arrow rests will either be your finger, a basic rest, whisker rest, or drop-away rest (or any others that are common)
Vibration Reduction Dampeners and Stabilizers.
Bow silencers (that feathery fluff you put on the draw string to reduce the “TWANG” sound from firing a bow)
Realistic draw time / Drawing a bow drains stamina (you can’t hold it forever, I’ve tried. Compound bows even)
[I’ll try to polish this later maybe.]