Artisan's Makeshift Mystery Box scrap requirement increased 25 to 30 without any annoucment

for crafting ‘‘Artisan’s Makeshift Mystery Box’’ Scrap requirement increased 25 to 30 without any annoucment. Those actions keep effecting economy and loosing interest on trading and marketing.


yeah i got surprised too today


Oh no, how will 3.X ever recover
On a more serious note, shitty move on Nelsons part, I agree.

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My thought in this case was to help prevent the value of the box from decreasing too much.


I can craft 1 box for only 0.25$

prevent that than. All the soul cyrstal kit values crashed so bad

This happened because you tought 1 scrap is 0.03$ but you can obtain 1 scrap for 0.0097$ by spesific ways. Which means 1 box is 0.0097x25= 0.24$