Attachments vs Nested Storage, etc

How closely related are “buckle and pin” attachments for clothing items, rail attachments and magazine attachments for ranged weapons, ammunition within a magazine, “armor slots for armor plating,” and nested storage (particularly “certain storage for different item types”)? I have been making some assumptions and inferences that lead me to believe that these are all the same or very similar systems at work in different contexts, but I can’t really be sure that any of these isn’t an isolated system, (nor can my understanding easily be reconciled with that of someone who has made different assumptions and interpretations and come to a different conclusion,) without a clear definitive answer.

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What I can say for sure is that rail attachments don’t use nested storage at all, instead just acting as an attachment that occupies a hook and in turn provides a hook of a different rail system. A hook converter, of sorts.

I wouldn’t be surprised if plate carriers or magazines utilized nested storage though.

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What if you make it so, that when you right click on the inventory object, there is an option to see hook and attachment points to add objects?

A preview pane already exists for items in the inventory.

You can directly, for example, manage attachments and components of a gun through this screen, or view nested storage within an ammunition crate.

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What about vests and backpacks, could you add attachments for those?

yes that is already confirmed


What I meant by rail attachments, was all attachments that go onto rail slots, just like the other members of the list

Rail attachments go into rail slots, magazine attachments go into magazine slots, “buckle and pin” attachments might go into buckle and/or pin slots, ammunition goes into dedicated nested storage slots in magazines and ammo boxes, armor plates go into armor slots.

And while the two images you showed do have slightly different appearances for managing attachments and nested storage (one has its rarity, a description, //attachments with a horizontal list of what’s in which slots and then //stats, while the other has rarity, Ammunition with a horizontal list of what’s in which slots, and then the description) That doesn’t really indicate anything other than a stylistic change.

I’m not sure what you’re asking then. Because that’s exactly how it works.

The question was whether or not the system of slots within items used for nested storage, attachments, etc. are the same thing with multiple names, or similar things, with different purposes.

As of, it appears that the bullets nested within a magazine are handled the same as the attachments affixed to the range gun.

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