Ban appeal/apology

im still not exactly sure why i was completely banned but i will go over the things that i know of.
So i said “stop you weirdo this is a kids game” to diddlyono, i really did not know what “asexual” meant at the time so i was just speaking out of my ass like an idiot, this is completely my fault and it was just stupid of me. I also said “pushing lgbtq views on kids in a blockgame is wrong” this was just me thinking putting it in the game feels a bit weird because the playerbase is mainly kids, i have since changed my opinion and realised its not that deep, i have also never had any type of disliking of anyone just because of their sexual orientation and im sorry if it came of as that. so sincerely im sorry

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Appeal has been denied at this time due to the permanent ban being fairly recent (only a couple months old) and the lengthy moderation history.

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Appeal has been denied.