Bandit ai Looting

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R D.E.A.D A.I.R the bandits when they are lossing a fight they throw a smoke grenad runs away of the fight, if this is like this withouy the smoke grenade can be a good idea.

Sorry for necro, but I have more t h i n g s

  • Perform random eating animation of random food, sounds really stupid but meh.
  • They attack animals regardless of them being hostile or passive.
  • Detection ranges - They can hear you if you’re running or walking, but not if crouched or prone.
  • If they hear you but don’t see, they’ll equip/raise their weapon and look around.
  • Picking up stronger weapons.
    (yes, that does kind of tie into looting but it’s more plausible)
  • Can run out of ammo and reload
    (again, realistic enough but not too much)
  • Assuming that they have gangs or patrols: If one of their friends dies, they’ll be confused and hide.

This is getting close to an AI-run player, and I do feel like I should remove one of these. What do ya’ll think?

hey guys what if there were bandits in unturned II?

bandits will be added, for sure
neslon confirmed it

not this again

They should be sneaky aswell because players dont shot everything that moves they use melee weapons and sneak around strong zombies they should do that aswell.

i was joking

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