Banned from Unturned for false reason

One day, I was playing Rime / Rusturned.

I broke crates so I got kicked. I could had broken crates after rejoining but my ping was really trash it started lag backing, then when I killed a player I got multiplayer banned. When I contacted Battle Eye, I got permanently banned. When I contacted them today, as of, 2/9/2025. They said to contact Smartly Dressed Games / Unturned. Can you staff/people please unban me? I don’t know how to use cheats it is just something like a .exe you run? I don’t know how to cheat on Steam, please unban.

SDG does not deal with multiplayer bans. That is all battleye.

  1. Lag doesn’t lead to you getting banned
  2. Neither does contacting BE
  3. BE does not tell you to contact developers for game bans, its the other way around in fact
  4. Staff here couldn’t unban you if they wanted to
  5. Even if they could they’d need your Steam ID (don’t bother posting it, since no on here can unban you anyway)

As mentioned by the above players, BattlEye bans (which show up as “game bans”) must be appealed through BattlEye Support.

Players are not game banned for contacting BattlEye Support.