Batteries and consuption rate

my idea is simple, from small things like a flashlight to a entire bases batteries will be central to everything work fine.

From Houses - Entry and fugue
How in Unturned II will had electricity and logic gates. a way to stock this energy is crucial. in case of the power source is cutted off. And the most large batteries will do that work.

From houses. big and placeables batteries will be nescessary they had the best cappacity and ever will charge if had energy enought to power everything connected to him (if had more energy entry than fugue). This battery have a Max cappacity storage but Is possible add more capacity connecting one battery to another by cables.

From vehicles.
Every vehicle need a battery form ignition if the battery discharge you need find another battery or charge the actual battery in a battery charger. Just to remember if you turn a vehicle on and the battery discharge the vehicle keep working normally but keep consuming fuel. the vehicle don´t turn on if the battery discharge.
Every vehicle will had a Turn On MW/cost from ballance. Hellicopters and more strong vehicles will had a high cost and normal cars a low cost.

From gadgets and tools
Every gadget or tool will had a consuption rate of MW/sec. to ballance the item. Because I personally think than it´s very injust a nightvisions work a entire night without stop. Because that itens more OP. in another words more OP itens will had a consuption rate bigger than less OP itens.

The resume of Ideas

Charging and Discharging battery.

Every electrical device from sentries to flashlight will had a space to place batteries and a consuption tax of MW/min or MW/cost deppending of the device. the batterie inside the device never will discharge if connected to a power source more powerfull. like a cabble with more power or something like. batteries can be used to charge another batteries with less MW and will discharge if consumed by some source like a flashlight or a mechanical device.

+ADD Large batteries to bases.
+ADD common batteries to devices.
+ADD Vehicle batteries to cars and hellicopters or anything else in this class.
+ADD Every device had a MW tax Consuption.


A battery system is probably better off simplified to battery consumption and battery percentage rather than mw/s


For electronics of any sort, they should require power EQUIPPED as in a line touching it, there should also be Smaller batteries for the Flashlights and NV goggles