I really feel like trying to use bayonets practically in PVP is pretty dumb, even if you’re fighting a person that has a melee weapon in 3.0. A wonderful suggestion for 4.0 to make bayonets better is being able to use them while sprinting, hence a bayonet charge. The mechanic would work similar to bayonet charging in the Red Orchestra and Rising Storm series of games. This would make using bayonets much more easier in 4.0 instead of just having to walk just to use the bayonet instead of running, due to the fact of not being able to use a bayonet while running. This would be pretty balanced because any melee weapon can be used while running, even the chainsaw. The bayonet charge would do more damage than a normal bayonet stab and would use up stamina while running and use up a portion of your stamina when thrusting the bayonet, just like using a power hit with a melee weapon. In order to clarify how it would work better, here’s how it would work. The player would hold down the bayonet button, (which is b if I remember) then sprint to their target while still holding down the button, with the player holding back their gun. Once the player would stop holding the bayonet button, they would thrust their bayonet at where their crosshair is. Let me know your thoughts and feedback on this idea.
i think the bayonet is more a zombie killer than a player killer, because you already have the gun so why use the bayonet? i use it on pvp servers for example so i killpeople with guns and use bayonet to kill zombies.
Asashi Squadron RP | Realistic | Admins 24/7 | Loadouts /s
For real though, an actual bayonet charge like RO2/RS would be nice. Welcome to the SDG Forums, Lance.
be me
sitting in base with the boys
suddenly hear over voice chat
a bunch of nakeds with bolt action rifles and bayonets charge the base
they have a tank
10/10 would bayonet charge again
A bayonet charge would be used as a last resort, such as your gun running out of ammo or your magazine being empty.
Someone help, the forum won’t let me unlike reeeeeeee.
That was the saddest reee ever
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