You spent about as much effort making this topic as I just spent coming up with an imaginary shuriken that I could throw into the topic.
Which is, suffice to say, not very much effort.
you don’t even know if horses will be added. I believe Nelson said he was considering it. Correct me if i’m wrong. I’d also like to point out that the metal vest feature would be totally pointless. It’ll basically be the same as the leather stuff. but this time, you need to find a pickaxe, find metal deposits, and hope that they give enough so you’ll be able to craft it. and please, by the time you already have it, you’ll already have military grade armor.
Yes I have almost 100% sure that the horses will be added, he mentioned in devlog # 15 Where you mentioned the animations to get into the vehicle said he was thinking how to do animations to ride on animals and his horse as an example.
Then horses would be an addition in as much as they would be a good alternative to the current vehicles because it does not consume gasoline if for sure they are faster than bicycles.