can these socks be added to the game
they are superduperupermuperluperkuper rare c:
(and they are holy of course)
can these socks be added to the game
In all seriousness, randomized clothing patterns were in devlog 4, but the extent of that hasn’t been shown yet. I would be mildly okay with zany clothing like this as long as its on the rare side, with more muted clothing being more common. This is still a pretty low quality post though, this would have been better if you had suggested mechanics other than a single obscure pair of socks.
I’m not good in making big post because I’m not the best in English because I’m a 13 year old living in the Netherlands so English is not my native language and even if the forum was dutch (language of the Netherlands) then I would also have trouble making big post (but a little bit less)
so that you know c:
Moved to lounge category
but a suggestion can be funny and short right? q:
Moved to Unturned II
flodo you can’t oppress this man’s dreams just because you hate socks.
thank you spebby I love u c;
lets get married.
Think about socks with Nelson`s face on them ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I would kos for that
Of course I can I’m a gamer
I’m going to oppress you and release b l a c k j e s u s
to the world
Socks could be low-tech footstep suppressors on hard surfaces.
socks are the new meta
Bruh you sound like the carpat npcs
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