Best way to transport idea(not clickbait)

what if on unturned 2 maps like thailand(if they ever add it)you could ride elephants?,like on far cry 4,btw make an especial elephant with extra health called “ellroy” that can only be spawn once


I mean… sure? I don’t know


So let me get this straight, you are asking nelson to create a Thailand map for Unturned II specifically so that you can ride an elephant named Ellroy? Also why would an elephant be the best transport?





I think I’ve said all that needs to be said.


How about the slipways from fortnite
Or something simple like that

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sure, IF a map that actually requires it is added.

Probably would work best as a mod, since there will be ride-able animals.


no,im saying if nelson could add elephant riding,it would be cool on a thailand workshop map but im not saying he has to do it

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I think nelson was thinking about adding functionality for horses eventually, so someone could easily mod that in


very very nais

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Why specifically an elephant in thailand, why not being able to ride a bison somewhere where there are bisons?


well that was my idea but yeah you can suggest adding other animals

What the fuck

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what? best suggestion right

Best made as a mod instead


cmon man you know you want it

One thing I’ve learned after years on the internet is just to ignore trolls.

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im not a troll

This could happen and in addition, we could feed them maybe. Then have something like a farm? Could come into the game, but most likely in late stages.

Umm… so you are asking nelson to add Thailand to Unturned II and just add elephants to it. Why Thailand in particular, and not for example Africa or India?
Also you called elephants “the best way to transport”. Transport what? Yourself? Equipment?
And why did you say “not clickbait” in the title? Did you say that because you made a lot of clickbaits in the past? What’s the reason you mentioned so hard that this thread is not a clickbait? For people to click it more so it’s in fact a clickbait?

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i didnt asked for a thailand map but theres alot of elephant riding there

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