Billboards, keys & lockpicking

Bill-boards and such would be cool, especially for RP, but I feel as though people could easily abuse it. Whenever you can make a massive single-piece structure people will use it to block bases and whatnot. Maybe if they add something that only allows you to put them in certain places?
A mechanic I would support is existing bill-boards in the city which can be “captured” and controlled for access. Once you capture a bill-board you can use it for 48 hours before someone else is allowed to capture it. Maybe initially it is surrounded by zombies and other AI, but after someone has captured it you have to hunt them and kill them, and bring their head back to it or something lol. Cool idea tho ngl.

As for lock-picking, this has been suggested multiple times. I recommend you read through this discussion where it was suggested in detail and then discussed in detail.

I really support the idea of lock-picking because it can make raiding more dynamic and immersive.