Black screen when game starts up

Hi, I opened the game on steam and it only showed a black screen with two white bars at the bottom.

I’ve tried opening the inside my unturned folder, (I play on mac) it worked the first time but a day later it stopped working, anyone got any answers?

  1. Go to your Steam library, right click on Unturned and then click properties.
  2. Click Local Files then click Browse Local Files.
  3. Scroll down and launch Unturned_BE.exe (If you have a Mac you won’t have unturned_be just launch Unturned Application).

I’m on macbook, I don’t have a Unturned_BE.exe file, I only have a

Disable Steam overlay then try it again.

I did that already.

Then I’ve got nothing for you.

i’ve got the same thing.

didn’t find a way of fixing it yet

Mac users are doomed until next patch

I found the solution!!!
just download microsoft visual: steam://openurl/