Blind Fire

Self-explanatory. I think.

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I’m in conflict right now:

  • It is realistic and likely doable by anyone poorly trained or just cheaty at apocalypse.

  • It would likely be a waste or even become overpowered if third person isn’t properly fixed.

fuck do i dare use this as an opportunity?

and by opportunity i mean post a picture relating to this but it actaully makes sense like a guy wearing a blindfold or being blind himself

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Totally agree with this one. If blind fire were to be implemented, either you can use it while in 3rd person but the crosshair disappears and the aiming controls suddenly become a bit more wonky/sensitive when going into blind fire mode as to balance things out or you simply can’t use it in 3rd person, it just switches you to 1st person as soon as you go into blind fire mode.


Its implemented well in tarkov, but as others have said this would be pretty situational to be taking up a key, and also would be non compatible with 3rd person.

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@rockey @anon67155151 unless you can’t see sh*t out of the corner or cover even if using it in 3rd person. That could be made by simply making the camera/aim never going out from char’s POV, whereas 3.x’s 3rd person camera was almost totally static, locked behind the player.

Just being curious, how does it work there?

So third-person except both the camera and aim are from a first-person point of view? Isn’t that just first person?

You press the blind fire key and there is an animation of your character holding the gun up over your head all gangster like, it has a hefty accuracy debuff, but allows you too shoot over cover, so if you were behind a desk you could shoot over it.

Its pretty situational though and most “tryhards” run and gun so I mostly use it as a disrespect move lol.

Feels eft. 10 char

I was referring more to how RE 4 camera works; you can see yourself, tough you can’t peek corners from total safety nor see anything behind you.

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