It would be cool to see a blood splatter/bloodstain effect for players’ clothing, after killing players and zombies with melee weapons. Just my idea though, I don’t know if Nelson is already planning this for 4.0
I would like damage on the clothing like if someone hit’s you with a knife you can bleed and have scratches but not that there is blood going to be everywhere, else the game will maybe a bit too bloody for me.
that could be cool. i meant, like, bloodstains from other people, like, when in melee combat their blood can get on your clothes (also from zombies, as well) but yeah, I’d like to see scratches/blood from the player bleeding, as well
Oh yeah, but before that, I hope blood in II becomes less “splashy”.
yeah, me too
If it would be too much blood you couls turn it off in the setings , it doesnt affect the gameplay so it should have rhia feature too
I would like to see this chained with a new game mechanic where the more blood you have on yourself, the more you will attract zombies. A nice thing would be to have zombies to “spawn” somewhere nearby (like 200 meters from you) so it will simulate a scenario where even in the wildness, zombies could try and come for you (not hordes ofc). An extra thing that you could chain to this, would be washing up. Players would have to jump in some water source like rivers to get clean, but then that will make the player wet and he will have to dry up, or debuffs will follow such as being more loud when walking or even being more subject to illness
Maybe can have an impact in game mechanics, for example animals like bears or wolves can (ir even zombies) detect you more easily.
7 days to die have something like this right?
No Idea, never played it
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