
Rather simple suggestion, throughout houses and what not, the player could find books which when read, would increase that particular skill which the book is about by one bar.

Farming 101
Guns for Dummys
Is cannibalism right for you?

@GreatHeroJ “Great for immersion, there should be a threshold where you know more than the book does”
@Llamaturkey101 “Maybe instead of certain skills, they give you general XP, you could even make your own book to give to others!”



Hmmm, like perk magazines in Far Cry 5?

Something similar to that would be good I think.

that would be good for 4.x.

This is an excellent suggestion for immersion. Perhaps each book would be able to teach you something new until you have surpassed a certain threshold where you know more than the book does, so you don’t learn anything. Would be good for groups and RP as well.

There could also be books and newspapers and all sorts of other things you could find that have very indirect, subtle clues or lore.


Good Idea on the threshold, no one can become a perfect marksman just from reading.

I was actually thinking about making a suggestion of books, although I was going to have them be generic and just give XP. I think either way is fine so I agree. (Bonus thought: Maybe if you are really skilled at something you can craft a book to give to others!)

Yes, but as a balance the book would only carry through a fraction of the information that you know, therefore the book’s level is far lower than yours.

Sounds like a good addition. As for OP, maybe adding these into your original post?

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(10 char)

Imagine in 4.0 you walk into a library and you see a book club and people sharing their book.

Nelson Nelson Literature club

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I was about to suggest this very soon.

I discovered this very same feature by playing both The Last Stand: Union City and TLS: Dead Zone.

Libraries could be crafted empty, and then filled by books you can find around the area or maybe some books written by the own player.

As side suggestion, crafted books should work very similar to Minecraft ones, being able to be written as the player wishes, have several pages and be able to have a title signed after finished. Also be more realistic in the matter that the more pages, the wider the book, and be more customizable by changing the cover color and/or design. Needless to say that books should also be items rather than a buildable, and placing them in a shelf should display these as currently it works in 3.x.

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  • Each book could have a certain tier (1-max level of skill)
  • Rarity varies based on tier
  • These books could be placed down in a player’s home. When they die, they could read these books to regain levels up to that book’s tier

I could definitely see how this could be abused. EX: placing down a max level book in a popular city so anyone could read. Therefore the books should have a system where there is a limited number of uses? or can only be placed in a home area?

Is ThAt Pr0ject Z0mB01d reference???

That’s not really abuse, I mean, if you’re nice enough to share a book with others that’s a step forward regardless. In 3.0 someone would probably leave a book out in the open and shoot people who come near it.

Also, I think a really good way to buff schools and libraries would be to actually give them the highest chance of finding high tier books, which would mostly be on passive skills and not offensive ones.

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So long as it is balanced between lore books, skill books, and misc books I’m game.

Wow that reminds a lot of Fallout, I love it!

Thank you everyone for the feedback! :grinning:

I’m so glad we’ve been able to properly balance and think it through, I sincerely hope some iteration of this idea makes it into the game!

It would be cool BUT this is a ZOMBIE SURVIVAL GAME I dont think that people would read books in the zombie apocalypse and it is weird concept so I dont agree

you read books for experience and get skills