Boss Zombies

This topic is about the “Boss Zombie” but i go write this in portuguese please guys translate this to me!

Realmente é decepcionante hoje em dia você atirar em um Boss e ele se quer reagir a distancia, também é decepcionante ver o quão facil é mata-lo e a capacidade de loot que ele pode dar com isso para vocês terem ideia meu antigo grupo de unturned matavam Bosses com a faca de tão ridicula que era sua AI.

Por conta disso eu acredito que Boss zombies devam ter um ou mais tipos de especiais na manga que se ativariam depois de perderem certo limite de vida (classico dos RPGS).

alem claro dos poderes de tacar a pedra e ter velocidade anormal como padrão.

oque estou propondo é o zumbi ter varias possibilidades de especial porem limitadas e aleatorizadas por desova como por exemplo (SÃO APENAS EXEMPLOS)

  • Obter partes invulneraveis
  • Arrancar com alta velocidade causando dano letal se acertar alvo
  • Desovar zumbis saindo do chão
  • Pular e causar dano em determinada direção
  • Lançar outros zumbis
  • Arrancar objetos como postes ou sandbags e usar como armas ou armaduras,
  • talvez até pegar um carro e lançar no alvo explodindo o veiculo

Meu intuito principal é tornar o boss zombie um zumbi muito mais dificil de matar mais amedrontador fazendo as pessoas que não merecem o seu grande loot evita-lo.

When it’s not in broken English but you realize you don’t understand Portuguese either :thinking:


Judging by what Flodo said even his Portuguese is somewhat broken

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Did the Google Translate, Anyone who wants to clean it up a bit is welcome (yes I’m lazy):

It really is disappointing nowadays you shoot a Boss and he wants to react at a distance, it is also disappointing to see how easy it is to kill him and the ability to loot it can give you this idea for my old group of unturned Bosses were killed with the knife so ridiculous that it was their AI.

Because of this I believe that Boss zombies must have one or more types of specials in the manga that would activate after losing a certain limit of life (classic of the RPGS).

besides clearing the powers of touching the stone and having abnormal speed as standard.

what I am proposing is the zombie to have several special possibilities however limited and randomized by spawning as for example (ARE ONLY EXAMPLES)

Get Involuble Parts
Start with high speed causing lethal damage if hit target
Spawn zombies coming off the ground
Jump and cause damage in a certain direction
Launch other zombies
Pluck objects like posts or sandbags and use as weapons or armor,
maybe even pick up a car and shoot the target exploding the vehicle
My main purpose is to make the zombie boss a much harder zombie to kill more frightening by making people who do not deserve their big loot to avoid it.

And now we’re back at square one

Its a lot easier to read than what he was doing before. I actually understood it and agree with what was said.

Google translate works so well!

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