Bring back the old maplestrike recoil

I’m calling out to Nelson Sexton, it’s not normal for a fully loaded gun to have this much recoil, please fix the recoil of this gun, we’re not saying don’t bring you nerf, but this recoil is not normal at all @SDGNelson

Good grief dude, stop crying about the Maplestrike recoil. You’ve made your point, Nelson and everybody who frequents this forum has heard you, and while I can only speak for myself I am willing to assume other people are starting to get annoyed at your incessant moaning. I get that your favorite toy got nerfed, but get over it. Either adapt or stop playing if it bothers you this much.


If it’s easy, come in and play, newbie :))

I’m not saying maplestrike shouldn’t get a nerf but this nerf is too much, using ak47 in rust is easier than using maplestrike in this game, this shouldn’t happen;

and most servers use maplestrike’s old recoil config

I really don’t understand why you are still insisting on this so much. This is probably the third nerf coming to Maplestrike. Will reducing the recoil of the weapon harm the game?


i think we should blow up the maplestrike (potential nerf)


Nelson doesn’t know job.

nah you got it all wrong blowing it up wont fix the main issue (i will not disclose the main issue) what you gotta do is make it bolt action, ive been running the numbers for almost an entire year and it works out in the long run (i will not disclose said numbers, just trust me bro)

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i dont understand.

‘‘using ak47 in rust is easier than using maplestrike in this game’’

Whatever psychedelic you take, I want 10 of those.


You know what, the fun part about all of this is that there wasn’t even a single member of any sweatlord pvp clan (something like aftertime) that would’ve come here and complained about this. No. They don’t care, they adapted. Especially taking in the fact all these sweatlords have long switched to Arid, where recoil kicks even more. Compared to this, vanilla guns are easy. And I say that as a person who dislikes curated maps. Only bad thing that has happened is whatever was done to shotguns made them completely useless in 3rd person (you are forced to use 1st to do at least meaningful damage at 10m distance).

The only whiner about the changes to maplestrike nerf is this turkish dude who barely learn how to read and came to complain on this forum. I am not a holy person either, the only reason I made an account here is because of PDW removal from Yukon. I was aware of this place long prior but never considered my presence in here necessary, neither I think so now and the amount of likeminded people with deleted and suspended accounts proves it. Noone I know is happy about that change even several years after the fact, but we accepted it a month later, because complaining in this echo chamber is pointless, the only way one can influence a change in this game is either somehow get everyone in here to support your idea and bugging Nelson about it in here non-stop until he eventually agrees to it and then in the end does it the completely opposite way cough-cough server browser cough-cough.

First of all, you are definitely not very experienced in the game, I can read and write very well. Secondly, aftertime clan left the game because of the wrong decisions of the game, so no one can come here and complain about maplestrike. Please do not comment without knowing anything in your future messages.

Bro went into proofreading mode. Calling my ass “definetly not very experienced” is fun too. About afters - don’t bs me, I saw at least two of them over the last couple of months and keep in mind I steer away from mod dumpster paid op kit pvp tpa servers, not to mention the fact of me barely playing this game anymore because all of the good servers are either dead or have such snowflakes as admins I’d rather not play even if there are players on.