Buff flashbangs

I think flashbangs are not that op right now and they need a buff. I really like to use them and they are extremely fun. Why not to make a small update with them

I think they should blow out your monitor

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Actually. They take too much time to fuse and it does blind you just for some few 3 seconds?, is not that worth like to farm them

Come again? How would you defuse a live grenade in game?

That’s why I am talking about buffing them. Maybe make the flash longer or bigger distance.

Uh? I meant the time it requires the grenade to boom after throwing it, on curated maps the flashbangs have lower time to explode, which makes sense since it is made for real quick situations

That is the opposite of defusing lmao.
You mean fusing

ah whoops you’re right XD sorry

I also want to buff vanilla flashbangs.
Faster grenade response time yk :slight_smile:

I think it would be better to keep them as is but remove them from mega drops and make them have a very small chance of spawning instead of a smoke grenade. That way they are still somewhat rare but don’t feel like a waste of a high tier spawn.

Would be cool if they could stun all the zombies nearby but not damage them as well

I just love flashbangs in all games. I want more of them!!! :smiley: