I have found a bug where if you untab while respawning your in game camera breaks and you cannot look behind you. It is really simple to recreate this bug you need to die in a horde mode and then untab entill you respawn and then you have a broken camera. This Works with both horde maps.
Update:This works with basic untabbing and retabbing
I have witnessed another player experience this bug (or a similar one) ingame before.
Just to clarify things here for others, I assume you are specifically referring to the camera rotation being locked and unable to look anywhere else?
(Also, welcome to the SDG Forums!)
EDIT: IIRC this bug is caused by the fact that you press the Alt key when tabbing out, and Alt by default is set to the free look function, so there’s potentially some jankiness with the camera that results from tabbing out while free look is activated with Alt. I think the bug was remedied when the player pressed Alt again once they were stuck, allowing them to look around normally again.
It is able to move around but you cannot look behind your self and interact with stuff. It bugs out on every map except for blastlane because it uses a different style of camera. If you would like i could attempt to get a recording of this.
Yeah, that sounds like the same bug after all. The person in the instance I witnessed was able to walk around but not look around.
I edited my original comment with a potential fix to that bug if it ever happens in practice - but thanks for reporting it anyways.
So i just discovered that when you alt tab it “holds down” the button when you tab back in causing this.
Yeah, pressing alt again fixes the issue. Best thing you could right now do is to rebind the look-around key.
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