Bundle Tool and Etc Problems

I was going to make some custom clothes in game than I realised I needed Bundle Tool and The Animation.blend that they dont exist in my Folder’s Reinstalled the game several times still only some thing called appout.log exist in those folders and The Template for the Clothes didnt exist too.

these have recently been moved to the “Extras” folder in the game’s root directory. There’s been a couple of threads now with people who are having the exact same problem as you, perhaps there needs to be some kind of PSA to make sure the community is aware of the move?



It’s not an issue of people being unaware of the move – it’s that new modders don’t know these resources exist. People will keep looking in the old location because that’s what old/outdated (and the most popular) video guides reference.


true, through perhaps if that old location is still going to exist in the files a simple readme could be added as a bandaid until newer guides start cropping up?


Thanks dude.

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