Delay based on camouflage factor sounds like a good idea, maybe couple with a multiplier for the different difficulties or outright disabling name-tags or camouflage factor.
Yes, but the timer is longer no matter what if the player doesnt move? and in the dark also longer?
Realistically speaking, in a block-y low-poly game, I cant see any way a ghillie suit would be visually perform-ant at hiding in plain sight.
If you would like to give an example or concept, or make your own model in 3.0 that blends in much better with the plain, green ground, or tan sandy deserts, then go ahead and show me.
nelson talkd about this in his recent interview go watch it
You can still disrupt the general shape, just attach more blocks.
Basically blocky grass. Could still fit the art style and do a decent job at disrupting your silhouette.
No, I am not going to hop into Blender or what have you, you are gong to have to use your imagination (plus I suck at modelling, so there is that).
My imagination can not fathom blending in. Neither can most of my Unturned friends. Ghillie as an entire concept is doomed to fail.
Well, as we’ve seen in the devblogs and demo, grass is a thing regardless of graphics settings, so that’s a start.
All you had to do is not have static ghillie strands but have them bunch up instead of clipping though each other/the ground. Poof, silhouette (sorta) concealed.
I couldn’t agree more, the ghillie suit is made to break the silhouette of the one wearing it, in unturned, it just seems like useless leaves we stick on the player . Definitely approving this .
9 days later…
- Names never appear over players
- Names are always visible over players
- Names are only visible over players being looked directly at
- Null option
- Distance should impact the time it takes for names to appear
- Beyond a certain distance names should not appear
- Camouflage should prevent names from appearing
- Camouflage should increase the time it takes for names to appear
- Skills should be required before names appear on your screen
- Skills should increase/decrease the time before names appear
- Skills should be able to prevent your name from appearing on other players’ screens
- Names should appear while aiming down sights
- Names should not appear while aiming down sights
- Looking through binoculars should be treated the same as aiming down sights
- Looking through binoculars should be treated the same as having an empty hand
- Looking through binoculars should provide a buff to identifying players
- Looking through binoculars should be required to see player names
- Player movement should prevent their name from appearing
- Player movement shouldn’t impact their name appearing
- Player movement should make their name appear faster
- Null option
- Nuller option
Camouflage in 3.0 is fine on paper. It’s actually very hard to see in dense grass or a bush. It’s just nullified by the fact that people can and almost always turn down the grass density to low or off making the ghillie or green skin very noticeable if they aren’t seated in a bush.
Just make it so you can’t turn grass off. There. Camo is viable now.
It don’t think removing the option to switch off grass will be a problem if Nelson keeps his promise to better optimize UII for preformance.
It also doesn’t help that a ton of ghillie suit users wear alicepacks and nightvision destroying their camo even further than already present grass settings.
You’re also right about the nametags, that can blow your cover in the select scenarios of point blank solid-snaking.
That’s planned
Then Camo will be viable.
You can edit ure comments. Press the pencil Instead of deleting them.
Or press the 3 dots if the pencil isn’t there
Thanks…I guess
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