Camouflage in Unturned 3.0 is terrible. There’s no way around it. If you’d like to dispute this, then perhaps several of the examples I provide below will change your mind.
Shhhh. I’m inside this box, they can’t see me!
Allow me to direct your attention to this ghillie suit. There’s a reason nobody wears this seriously, because it’s absolutely terrible at doing its intended role.
You see, camouflage isn’t just about coloring, it’s all about breaking up the silhouette so that the person or vehicle is unrecognizeable at first glance, with color secondary to that. With the ghillie set in the current Unturned, you can clearly see that his silhouette isn’t broken up at all, making him detectable to almost anyone, even at range.
These bushwookies however, have their silhouettes almost completely broken up, with the exception being their weapons and spotting scopes. Now this is what a ghillie suit should like.
Of course, the other problem with camouflage is that there’s little to nothing to actually blend into, which is why I’m hoping that Unturned II will have a lot more countours and vegetation, or maybe even stuff like leaves on the ground during the fall.
One more problem.
This goddamn thing.
Camouflage is ruined when you put your cursor on someone and their nametag appears, instantly marking them as a player. Which is why I’d like to propose that the player needs to hold thier crosshairs on a player for three to five seconds before the nametag appears.
That is all. A bit less well-made then I would have liekd, but I really don’t have the time or energy to format this post like I usually do.
Oh, and here, have a poll.
- I’d like to see better camouflage that breaks up silhouettes
- I’d like to see a delay before the nametag appears
- Null option for those who accidentally voted
0 voters