I know, I know. It’s been like 4 seconds since the map came out.
It’s actually unplayable for me. I mean, I’m generally running the game on low-medium settings, shame on me, but I’ve never encountered such an unplayable map. I froze trying to teleport to the village, and when I entered the train station, I froze again.
Not to mention looking anywhere hurts because the trees are literally purple.
This feels like a let down. I definitely think there was a lot of thought and work put into the map, but clearly the map released too early. Things like debris placement (AND THE INFAMOUS SCALED DEBRIS), poorly created (and somewhat unfinished) npcs, clothing with weird descriptions and names, a poor choice in references that straight up make you go “Why is this here?”, generic location names on the chart/gps, a room that you cannot escape if you teleport to the Bunker, terrain comparable to Germany in terribleness (not quite as spiky though, I’ll be fair on that one), and underwhelming new firearms all lead to an underperforming, yet fairly creative map.
I wonder if my expectations were set too high or not, but either way, I definitely think there is tons of room for improvement. I really looked forward to a really difficult, beautiful map, and it seems I didn’t quite get it. Either way I love the idea of the clothes holding way less storage, and animals being a real threat. There is some unique location design, although the map still feels rather empty. Maybe that’s the point?
So yeah. I don’t hate the map or anything, and I definitely respect the creators for all of their hard effort and work put in. I just think these fixes need to happen very soon or the map will simply fail to spike interest. I also have to give the team credit, as english really isn’t their first language so it’s understandable that the english on the map wouldn’t be excellent. Still, I don’t think it would have been too much of a stretch to have one or more english speakers go over the map and make sure everything made sense before launch.
End of the day, if this is the level of quality Nelson accepts for curation, that somewhat worries me though. This map had a testing phase, and yet all of these bugs and needed tweaks still exist. Again, I definitely don’t hold anything personal against the devs. They did their best and I can respect that. I just think Nelson ought to hold folks to a slightly higher degree of quality before release. We all remember the Hawaii release.
Any thoughts?