Hi Hello , I am interested to know if the character of U2 gonna use textures of 128x128 I hope that will not be the case , I recommend Using 512x512 , Or you can also put 1024x1024 but that Will generate more lag for the players with a low end pc , 512x512 its great for texturing and get more detailed textures , even if the shirts , pants are using a 3d models there own textures chd be changed to 512x512 and not 1024x1024
most of games using 1024x1024 but that its only for : Realistic textures only
I think that low resolutions might work very well with the 3d models, since all the major detailing like hoods in hoodies and similar stuff will be done in 3d, there’s not much of a need for high quality textures. it’d be appreciated to have more detail, of course, but taking into account vehicles use a 1 color - 1 face method for texturing (like in 3.x) while adding modelled detail, clothes will probably have something along those lines, just to keep with the same artstyle
I guess it’s just personal preference but I love pixel art
Like skydragonfire said, most things seem like they are going to more modeled than they were previously, although things will likely be more vector graphics than pixel art (the faces for example are vectors now instead of pixels). However those changes were from a very early devlog, and since Nelson did redo all the models and clothes, it’s possible that there were changes from the latter style choices.
It can be rest assured that things will be much more detailed than they have been in the past, though.