Alright everyone, I’m sure many of you can recognize that this is, in fact, an alt account of the legendary Communist, @RedCo.
I have not died, just on a vacation in China at the moment (Food is good, internet not so much). I shall return the day after Independence Day.
Now, I’m sure many of you are wondering, “Why is Red on an alt account?” The answer in fact has to do with the workings of this website. It’s not https. Therefore, would it possible for the forum to be transferred over as an https site? @Reaver. Thanks in advance. Please consider, so I can post topics on my main in China…
(I’m beginning to have a great amount of sympathy for those on mobile, as I had to type all this on a tiny phone keyboard. Also, why is my Regular rank still on my main? That doesn’t feel quite right.)
I’ve been getting Unknown Error when I log in every now and then. I fixed it by adding https:// to the address.
I did this on my phone, PC, and laptop.