Clothing stores

If you are going to a clothing store for some brand new clothing then you will need to remove those alarm things. you can go to the registers and find that tool that removes them, but be careful there may be a lot of zombies. If you don’t remove them and you go through the front door, then it will set off a loud alarm attracting zombies.

Tops and bottoms will be hanged on hangers, and shoes should be in shoe boxes. Shoes should have the thing on the side of the hole, pants should have them on the top ring, and shirts should have them on the side.

You may even use these alarm things like traps. All you need to do is remove them from the clothing, and hide the thing in a pocket. This is what those things look like.

  • sounds fine
  • sounds shit

0 voters

i like it but it just doest make too much sense.

the things that make the alarm needs a power supply, so unless you have a generator powering the store/house or place where the alarm is, they would do nothing.

anyways why would you go to an clothes store if you can go to a house instead.

We should at least make getting clothing from stores be harder though. That was my only idea.

But wouldn’t the power be out anyways, rendering the door’s security bars that cause them to ring useless?

I’d really only ever see this as an RP-themed mod as opposed to a vanilla mechanic tbh


I completely agree, getting clothes should be harder. But there should be some logic barrier. If theres a zombie apocalypse, then all the power stations are completely done for, (unless you can possibly fix and rebuild them) rendering as joaquin said, the power depleted and the stores unguarded.

wait, those things do require electricity. Do you really think that in a post-apocalyptic zombie infested town there would be working, undamaged electricity? pretty dumb idea in my opinion

So taking this into realism, this is a bad idea. I didn’t really think those things required power.

I don’t get what’s so awful about clothing being easy to acquire. Clothing should just have more impact on stats so that more types of clothing can be relevant for different play styles and different levels of progression, and low tier clothing shouldn’t be so readily converted into high tier medical items.

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I’m thinking on a post regarding these kind of stuff. But anyway, alarms on simple clothing stores actually sounds like sh*t.

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