Color tags to optimize loading and file space

General Idea:
Easier said than done, but the general idea is to allow color variations for barricades, items, and vehicles, to be compressed all into one asset (preferably), by having a sort of tagging system. Think of how in Minecraft, there aren’t literally 2,700 individual tropical fishes added, just a few tags that affect certain parts that result in 2,700 combinations. Or Unturned’s already-existing object material pallets.

Other Details:
Custom tagging groups could also be setup in asset files similar to material pallets for objects, though in my specific idea, instead of different materials, having the tag just adjusts the specific item’s material’s color data. The asset file for each item in the list would need an input for say hex or rbg, and then a name. In the base “default item” there could be a phrase used in the name file like or something that is replaced by the name setup to be bound with the color hex in the specific asset, so something like Bedroll with a tag given the name red (and a red color code) would show up as “Red Bedroll” and be the color that was actually put. Spawns could default to randomizing unless specifically specified in the spawn index, with what tag index the item should have. Same with crafting, as a material it defaults to any color (the visual would replaced with “Any” or something), unless specified with an index. Then for being the output, if it was made for tagging, needs the to clarify an index or else defaults to none. 2D clothing might be a problem depending on how it’s applied to the player.

Depending on how smoothly the system ends up running, this can reduce storage size from having multiple color variations, potentially speed up load times from having less individual assets to load, and also increases ID vacancy. These all make modded more plausible for some players, and heavily-modded more realistic for everyone, and modded is infinite replayability glitch which would also be a good thing for the game.

This somewhat relates to my concern regarding how the whole color system for vehicles seems to be really only specific to them. A more preferred solution is to make it, so the paint assets have uses on different assets too (i.e. using spraypaint to change barricade color variant). Vanilla has colored couches, umbrellas, etc that would make good use of a proper color system rather than having so many separate assets.

In general, it would help because it would limit the amount of assets available and make give players more customization options for their buildables.


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