Combat movement

Thank you for your service! This video means all of it


To clarify, is this just asking for more unique animations when switching to a different stance while moving versus while idle?

Exactly, that’s what I talking about! Thanks.

I really like that idea. The current animations in 3 are a little strange in this regard but don’t worry, I’m pretty sure that on the trello this is on his wish or to-do list.

You’re a SURVIVOR of a zombie apocolypse. Not a veteran. These animations are too militaristic for Unturned. The ones Nelson showed us in the devlogs are fine. None of these please.

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Again, overly dramatic/‘realistic’ animations aren’t necessary. I’m sure refined animations are worked on


Those aren’t animations. I don’t understand what you mean by it looking “militaristic” would you have had the same complaint if he was wearing jeans and a tee shirt? There are only a few practical ways of doing anything, I doubt any way of quickly going prone doesn’t look “militaristic.” All that aside the point of the post wasn’t about copying the style, just to have different animations for changing stance while moving and while standing still.

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It wasn’t how he looked, it was the way he did it. It looked like he was trained for that. The current animations that Nelson has shown us, as I said, are fine for what they are. And it doesn’t help that the title of the post is called ‘Combat Movement’.

These are fine for what they are.

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