Complex Stat System

(I understand that this is a much more complex system of statuses than Unturned has had before. I am under the impression that this is the direction that Nelson wants to take 4.X, but I also understand that this may be further than he wants to take it.)


  • If health reaches 0% the player dies.
  • Health is reduced by falling, being hit, being shot, being caught in an explosion, being hit by a car, etc.
  • Health is also reduced over time, when the player is at 0% calories, 0% immunity, 0% hydration, >44°C internal, or 0% oxygen.
  • Health is replenished over time, faster when hydration and calories are higher.
  • Health is also replenished by using medical supplies.


  • If immunity reaches 0% health reduces over time, if it reaches x% the player may contract an illness.
    – illnesses affect the value and/or recovery of internal temperature, calories, hydration, vitamins, oxygen, leg stamina, and/or arm stamina.
  • Immunity is reduced by contact with the infected, consuming spoiled goods, and breathing the air in a deadzone.
  • Immunity replenishes over time, faster when vitamins are higher.
  • Immunity replenishes when using medical supplies.


  • If oxygen is at 0% health is swiftly reduced over time. When oxygen is below x% arm stamina and leg stamina do not replenish.
  • Oxygen is reduced over time when in low oxygen environments without breathing equipment, or when leg or arm stamina are replenishing.


  • If vitamins reach 0% Immunity reduces over time.
  • Vitamins reduce over time, faster when immunity is below x%.
  • Vitamins can be replenished by food and medical items.


  • If calories are at 0% health reduces over time.
  • calories reduce over time, and reduce faster when internal temperature, arm stamina, leg stamina, or health is low.
  • Calories are replenished by food items.


  • If at 0% hydration health decreases.
  • Hydration decreases over time. It decreases faster when internal temperature is high, or when arm stamina, leg stamina, or health is low.
  • Hydration is increased by food items.
    (I’m referring to both solid foods and drinks as food items, for simplicity’s and internal consistency’s sakes.)

Leg Stamina

(this one will definitely need renaming)

  • When leg stamina is at 0% the player can neither sprint, nor swim. (Perhaps the player could swim just enough to stay afloat even at 0%)
  • It is reduced by jumping, swimming, and sprinting.
  • It is replenished over time. It replenishes faster when hydration, calories, and oxygen are higher.
  • Whenever it is reduced, internal temperature increases.

Arm Stamina

(This name also needs changing.)

  • When arm stamina is at 0% sprint swimming, certain melee attacks, scrambling, and vaulting cannot be performed.
  • As arm stamina decreases, certain weapon handling characteristics change, possibly including:
    – Increased scope sway
    – Increased time to ADS
    – Increased time to reload
    – Decreased hipfire accuracy
    – Decreased damage with melee attacks
    – Decreased reach with melee attacks
  • It is reduced by melee attacks, vaulting, scrambling, and certain weapon manipulations.
  • It replenishes over time. It replenishes faster, when hydration, calories, and oxygen are higher.
  • Whenever it is reduced, internal temperature increases.

Ambient Temperature

  • Ambient temperature is less of a status, and more of a combination of factors, used in determining internal temperature. The factors include time of day, climatic conditions, and distance from a source of heat or cooling.
    (It should be noted that one can be in direct contact with a heat source, which is quite dangerous)
  • Ambient temperature is used to determine internal temperature, it’s affects can be lessened by insulated clothing.
  • In extremely hot ambient temperatures, player’s clothing may catch fire, as that is more likely than their flesh catching fire. (Keep in mind, that although their flesh wouldn’t catch fire, they could still be burnt, and wearing flaming clothing would mean that the fire stays on them.)

Internal Temperature

(These numbers are just examples, and are based on Celsius.)

  • If internal temperature is below 0° health is reduced. If internal temperature is above 40° health is reduced.
  • Over time internal temperature approaches 20°, temperature increases faster with more calories, temperature decreases faster with more hydration.
  • When internal temperature is lower, calories decrease faster.
  • When internal temperature is higher, hydration increases faster.
  • Internal temperature is changed by ambient temperature, food items, physical activities, and illnesses.
  • The effect ambient temperature has on internal temperature is dictated by the insulation of the player’s clothing.

… I love it

I’ve had this bookmarked for a while now, so I guess I should do something here.

No comment except for on temperature stuff, but that’s primarily later down the line anyways.

When we say “illness,” do we mean various diseases or do we mean a revamp of becoming infected in Unturned 3 (ie: the thing where you lose immunity over time)?

That aside, only other thing I have to comment on here is “vitamins,” but that’s also farther down.

I don’t think you should lose oxygen when regaining stamina. Partially because I think this adds an unnecessary mechanic, but also because I feel like you’d end up dying due to a lack of oxygen in too many cases than I’d find reasonable. Oxygen regeneration should/could just take precedence over stamina regeneration.

I feel like this is a bit extra. I feel as though making immunity slowly regenerate over time when at/near full “calories” and “hydration” would give a similar effect, albeit more broadly generous.

No comment except on temperature and stamina, which is farther along.

I am unsure if I would approve of hydration decreasing faster based on a majority of the other status bars.

I’m still in agreement with some other people that the whole “using stamina to do a handful of shoot-related stuff” was a bit much to begin with. I’d just combine these into one bar and remove a lot of the penalties from lower percentage values.

If you really want to be nerf-heavy, we could have a Fatigue debuff status effect. This could cause some of the penalties you’ve described above, alongside hurting the regeneration or potency of other status bars until Fatigue ends.

Clothing isn’t going to catch fire at any ambient temperature on Earth. The hottest it’d get on Earth is still, at the very least a hundred degrees off from cotton being able to catch fire. If you were standing in fire, then yes. Otherwise? Nay.

You should definitely be dead long before 0° C internal, although you did say the numbers are just examples.

Why does internal temperature always approach death? (21° is our lower limit, typically.) I feel like a lot of these statuses have an effect on each other in such a way that if you drop too low on one of them, all of your stats go down to “death” and you just die.

I think just having one temperature bar would be fine (your internal temperature), with the rest as background data values the game is using to determine the outside temperature.

Cool and good, I like. +1

Partially, I was picturing illnesses as status effects, like broken bones or bleeding from 3.X, but impacting other stats besides just health. I wasn’t sure if it would be better to have several preset illnesses (i.e. a fever that impacts player’s temperature, and hydration) or to have randomized illnesses (i.e. an illness status that impact several stats to random amounts [within set limits of course])

I didn’t make it very clear, but I meant that oxygen couldn’t go below a certain percentage unless in a low oxygen area (underwater or high altitude)

I only started this post because I saw an older post about more complex nutrition and portioning, which Nelson responded to saying something along the lines of ‘I look forward to researching the effects of different nutrients.’ I was trying to think of a way to have more complex nutrition without going overboard. (Most nutrients would be irrelevant to Unturned, since our characters don’t actually grow.)

I beg to differ. Repeatedly swinging a baseball bat should have an effect on the damage done by swinging said baseball bat far before it makes one incapable of running. Having certain actions with weapons fatigue the player, and certain weapons more fatiguing than others would help differentiate and balance different weapons realistically. A longer barrel would realistically make a weapon better in everyway except inventory size (which is irrelevant since the weapon will just be kept in the primary slot 99% of the time) and it’s handling characteristics.

That is what I meant by

I only gave them the names internal and ambient, to make describing the two easier.

I was saying that I was with the people who didn’t like the idea of stamina being drained by stuff like that to begin with (with the exception of power attacks by melee). If something like this was implemented, it should be handled similar to other games (ie: Minecraft?) and just reduce the potency until a full tiny unit of time has passed, rather than drain actual stamina.

(Similar to how some games don’t make jumping drain stamina, but reduce the potency of your jump if you do it repeatedly non-stop.)

I mean, equip speed would most likely be slower too. Gun butt melee would likely drain stamina. Weapons will be able to impact movement speed, if Nelson wanted.

RIP. Missed the first half of literally the first sentence of that section.

  • Equip speed doesn’t matter once the weapon is equipped, and realistically unwieldy weapons should get harder to handle over time, not easier.
  • Again I say meleing shouldn’t directly impact the stamina used for running and jumping.
  • How does it make any sense for an object that has no impact on movement speed whatsoever while in a backpack to suddenly slow a person to a crawl when in their hands?

This is correct.

And I’m still with the whole “should be one stamina bar not two” thing, since I don’t agree that most actions should drain stamina to begin with. (I also said that if most actions (like normal melee attacks) did have a penalty, it could just be a time-based damage-falloff-cooldown-kinda-thing instead.)

I feel like the question answers itself though with a “realistically, weight should slow the player down in the inventory too.” Being slowed down when carrying, say, a minigun (Hell’s Fury) makes more sense than not (see Unturned 3 for reference).

It also makes sense if there was to be clothing (or other items) that slowed you down too, such as a bomb suit.

The difference between your beloved Minecraft’s “time-based damage-falloff-cooldown-kinda-thing” and a status bar is that the status bar would be another resource (like scrap metal and wood) that the player must manage, deciding whether to invest it in one action, another action, or wait until it could be spent more efficiently.

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